8.4.1 Secure Shell

On [Secure Shell] page, you can enable SSH access. After enabling it, you can remotely log in to the system as a terminal. [Secure Shell] page provides the port forwarding function, that is, the network data of the TCP port is forwarded to a certain port of the specified host, and the data is encrypted and decrypted accordingly while forwarding. In addition, you can use key based authentication method to achieve password-free login.

  1. This function can only be unlocked after the admin password is set. For setting method of Admin password, see "8.2.1 Classic mode".
  2. Before adding a key, you need to import the key file into the folder of the system.
  3. Before enabling SSH, verify that the robot is in the same LAN as the remote device (that is, ping is executed).

  • Enable SSH Access: Enable/disable SSH.
  • Allow Port Forwarding (in remote control mode): Once checked, the port number can be modified in the remote control mode.
  • Port: Set the port number.
  • Authentication: Select the authentication method for SSH access.
  • Add: Add the key.
  • Remove: Remove the key.

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