5.1.8 Record

On [Record] page, you can store the trajectories of robot movement for a period of time, and the stored trajectories can be added to the program.

  • Simulation model: Simulate robot status.
  • Track: Create/Edit/Save/Delete trajectories.

  • Create new track: Tap [Create new track] to enter the [Move] page, and control the robot using the position/pose control button, then the system will start recording the trajectory of the robot. After the running is completed, tap [OK] to name and save the trajectory.
  • Search: Search for a certain trajectory by name.
  • Refresh: Refresh the list of trajectories.
  • Load: Load a trajectory.
  • Rename: Rename a trajectory file.
  • Delete: Delete a trajectory.
  • Play: Play the currently loaded trajectory. Tap [Play] , then enter the [Move] page to move the robot to the initial position, and tap [OK] to start playing the moving trajectory. At this time, tapping on [Play] will switch to [Stop] status .

Create a new trajectory

  1. Tap [Create new track] to enter the [Move] page, control the robot using the position/pose control button, and tap , then the system will start recording robot's moving trajectory and time. Tap to exit the [Move] page. After recording is completed, tap to pop up a window prompting you to name the trajectory file. After naming, tap [Save] to return to the [Record] page.

  2. You can tap to rename the recorded trajectory.

  3. Select the saved trajectory file in the trajectory list and tap [Load] to load the trajectory into the player.

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