7. I/O

AUBO SCOPE can monitor and set the status of all controllers, body ends, and I/O ports of external devices. On [I/O] page, you can monitor the status of each I/O port, and can also operate the signal of the output port.

This system is classified according to the nature of I/O ports: Under the [Robot] tab, there are all user-operable I/Os, such as digital I/O, analog I/O and tool I/O; Under the [Link IO] tab, there are safety I/O and system internal I/O; Under the [Modbus] tab, there are I/Os of external devices.

The update frequency of [I/O] page is 20 Hz, so signals with frequencies above 20 Hz may not be displayed correctly.

No. Name Description
1 I/O tab Select I/O category
2 I/O list Display I/O under the current category

Introduction to I/O signal status

Only some models of controllers support NPN/PNP mode switching. See the Hardware Manual for details.
Name English Description
Logic High Logic High High level state in a digital signal.
\* In NPN mode, when the digital I/O port is in logic high, the output will be in the "on" state and the voltage will be close to the ground voltage (such as 0 V).
\* In PNP mode, when the digital I/O port is in logic high, the output will be in the "on" state and the voltage will be close to the power supply voltage (such as 24 V).
Logic Low Logic Low Low level state in a digital signal.
\* In NPN mode, when the digital I/O port is in logic low, the output will be in the "off" state, and the voltage will have no output and will be cut off.
\* In PNP mode, when the digital I/O port is in logic low, the output will be in the "off" state, and the voltage will have no output and will be cut off.
Rising Edge Rising Edge Transition edge of a signal from logic low to logic high.
Falling Edge Falling Edge Transition edge of a signal from logic high to logic low.
Maximum voltage Maximum The maximum voltage is the highest voltage value that can be achieved by an analog signal. For the specific range of analog signal, see the Hardware Manual.
Minimum voltage Minimum The minimum voltage is the lowest voltage value that can be achieved by an analog signal. For the specific range of analog signal, see the Hardware Manual.

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