4.1.1 Command
On [Command] page, you can configure nodes selected in the program tree. After selecting a program node, display and set the configurable items of the node on page [Command].
Program StartPoint: set the waypoint from which the program starts running.
- Auto: tap [Run] to enter the page [Move], move the robot to the StartPoint, and then tap [OK] to start running the program.
- Ignore: tap [Run]. Then, the robot moves to the StartPoint and the program starts running.
Start speed fraction: check to set the start speed fraction of the program.
Add Before Start Sequence: check to add a sequence to be executed before the master program starts running.
Add After Pause Sequence: check to add a sequence to be executed after the master program pauses.
Add Before Resume Sequence: check to add a sequence to be executed before the master program resumes running.
Add After Stop Sequence: check to add a sequence to be executed after the master program stops.
Program Loops Forever: check to enable the master program to run continuously.