2.2 Editor

1. Text editor

[Text Editor] supports language selection between Chinese and English. You can use [Text Editor] to edit and insert text.

2. Number editor

[Number Editor] supports both positive and negative numbers. You can use [Number Editor] to edit positive and negative numbers.

3. Expression editor

[Expression Editor] is composed off buttons, special symbol keyboard and numeric keyboard. To switch to [Text Editor], tap . You can use [Expression Editor] to edit an expression.

  • [Input] & [Output]: the drop-down menu contains all I/O interfaces.
  • [Variables]: the drop-down menu contains all the defined variables.
  • [Pose]: the drop-down menu contains all the defined coordinates.
  • [Function]: the drop-down menu contains some special functions.

4. Considerations about editors

  • When the expression editor is used for setting, set a digital signal to true or false; and set a Modbus to 1 or 0. Otherwise, unpredictable errors will occur in the robot.
  • When the expression editor is used to input a String, enclose the string in single quotes (') or double quotes (").
  • When the expression editor is used to set pose for a variable, enclose the pose in curly braces ({}).

results matching ""

    No results matching ""