6. Move

On [Move] page, you can control the robot movement and simulate the robot status.

No. Name Description
1 Coordinate Select the coordinate system that displays the simulation model from the drop-down menu. The system provides three coordinate systems by default: view, base, and tool.
* View: You can adjust the simulation model to the real robot arm angle by manually dragging the model.
* Base: In the base coordinate system, position and attitude is displayed and controlled.
* Tool: In the tool coordinate system, position and attitude is displayed and controlled.
2 Active TCP View the TCP used by the current model. See "5.1.4 TCP" for the settings of TCP.
3 Model display key Adjust the displayed simulation model. See "4.1.2 Graphics" for details.
4 Model operation key Adjust the size, view, etc. of the simulation model display. See "4.1.2 Graphics" for details.
5 Simulation model -
6 Move control Select a mode to control the robots.

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