6.2 Step mode

In the step mode, you can set the step value. Default step setting: position 5 mm, attitude 0.0175 rad, and joint 1 deg.

  1. Mode tab: Select a mode to control the robot.

  2. Step setting: Set the step. The position range is 0.01 mm~100 mm, the attitude range is 0.001 rad ~ 0.2 rad, and the joint range is 0.1 deg~ 10 deg.

  3. Pose parameter display: Display the coordinates of the current position of the robot in the base coordinate system.

  4. Joint control: Joint 1 (J1) ~ Joint 6 (J6) correspond to the six joints of the robot arm from bottom to top. You can control the robot by tapping the buttons on both ends of . The robot moves according to the step after each tap.

  5. Position control button: Tap the button to control the robot. (X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+, Z-) indicate the translation movement of the robot.

  6. Attitude control button: Tap the button to control the robot. (RX+, RX-, RY+, RY-, RZ+, RZ-) change the orientation of the robot tool.

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