5.1.2 I/O Setup

On [I/O Setup] page, you can set the functions of I/O ports, including digital I/O, analog I/O, tool I/O ports, etc. Safety I/O port for controller of some models can be used as a normal I/O port when it is not value-assigned. See the Hardware Manual for details.

  • View: View the display in the I/O port list by signal types, including analog, digital, tool, Modbus, etc.
  • Input/Output: Display/set all user-available I/O ports.
  • Current Selection: Display the name of the I/O port selected, and you can tap it to rename.
  • Revoke: This button appears after you rename the I/O, and you can tap it to restore the default I/O name.
  • Action: Set the action triggered when the input port receives a signal. Tap to pop up the dropdown box and select the system predefined action.
  • Action in the program: Set the action triggered when the output port sends a signal. Tap to pop up the dropdown box and select the system predefined actions.
  • I/O tab control: Enable or disable I/O manually on the [I/O] page.
    • Enable: It allows you to manually control the signal from the output port in the [I/O] page.
    • Manual mode only: It allows you to manually control the signal from the output port in the [I/O] page only under the manual mode. ("*" status)
  • Disable: It prevents you from manually controlling the signal from the output port in the [I/O] page. ("-" status)

System predefined status

Level triggering. The robot enters the HandGuide mode when a Logic High level signal is connected.
* Ignore input if there are other conditions that do not allow HandGuide.
* Enabled only in Manual Mode.
Table: Predefined digital input port functions
Action Description
None No action triggered
Go home Level triggering. The robot joint moves to the home positionwhen a Logic High level signal is connected.
* Keep the Logic High during the robot movement, otherwise the robot will stop moving.
* Enabled only in Link Mode..
Start program Edge triggering. Start the currently loaded program on the rising edge.
* Enabled only in Link Mode.
Stop program Edge triggering. Stop the currently loaded program on the rising edge.
* Enabled only in Link Mode.
Pause program Edge triggering. Pause the currently running program on the rising edge.
* Enabled only in Link Mode.
Resume program Edge triggering. Resume running a paused program on the rising edge.
* Enabled only in Link Mode.
Popup dismiss Edge triggering. Dismiss the current popup window on the rising edge.
* Enabled only in Link Mode.
Poweron Robot Edge triggering.
* Robot powerson on the rising edge when the robot is powered off. The robot changes from power off state to idle state.
* Robot releases the brake on the rising edge when the robot is idle. The robot changes from idle state to running state.
* Enabled only in Link Mode.
Poweroff Robot Edge triggering. Robot powers off on a rising edge when the robot is running or idle. The robor changes from a running or idle state to a power off state.
* Enabled only in Link Mode.

Table: Predefined digital output port functions
Action in program signal status
None No actions
Low when stopped Set to logic low when the program execution is completed or terminated.
High when stopped Set to logic high when the program execution is completed or terminated.
High when running - Low when not running Set to logic high when the program is executed;
Set to logic low when the program is stopped or paused.
High when paused Set to logic high when the program is paused.
At Home Position Set to logic high when the joint space position of the robot arm reaches the home position.
HandGuide Set to logic high when the robot is in the HandGuide mode.
Robot poweron Set to logic high when the robot arm is powered on.
Internal Emergency Stop Set to logic high when the robot's inherent emergency stop is triggered.
* The robot's inherent emergency stop devices including Teach Pendant emergency stop buttons, Control Box emergency stop buttons and fixed emergency stop input.
* Connecting another robot's emergency stop input enables shared robot stop..
External Emergency Stop Set to logic high when any external emergency stop is triggered.
* The external emergency stop device can be configured via the "Emergency Stop" input in Safety I/O.
System Error Set to logic high when any fault, violation, emergency stop, safeguard stop or protective stop.
Not System Error Set to logic low when the system is in normal mode, reduced mode or recovery mode.
Robot Operable Set to logic high, when the robot is powered on and the brakes are released, i.e. when the robot is in running state.

Table: Predefined analog output functions
Action in program signal status
None No actions
Min when stopped Output minimum voltage when program is completed or terminated.
Max when stopped Output maximum voltage when program is completed or terminated.
Max when running - Min when not running Output maximum voltage when program is running.
When program is stopped or paused, output maximum voltage.
Max when paused Output maximum voltage when program is paused.
Max at home position Output maximum voltage when the joint space position of the robot arm reaches the home position.
Max when HandGuide Output maximum voltage when robot is in HandGuide Mode.
Max when Robot Poweron Output maximum voltage when the robot arm is powered on.
Max when Internal Emergency Stop Output maximum voltage when the robot's inherent emergency stop is triggered.
* The robot's inherent emergency stop devices including Teach Pendant emergency stop buttons, Control Box emergency stop buttons and fixed emergency stop input.
* Connecting another robot's emergency stop input enables shared robot stop.
Max when External Emergency Stop Output maximum voltage when any external emergency stop is triggered.
* External emergency stop devices can be configured via the "Emergency Stop" input in Safety IO.
Max when System Error Output maximum voltage when any fault, violation, emergency stop, safeguard stop or protective stop.
Max when Not System Error Output maximum voltage when the system is in normal mode, reduced mode or recovery mode.
Max when Robot Operable Output maximum voltage, when the robot is powered on and the brakes are released, i.e. when the robot is in running state.

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