4.3.4 Circle

The [Circle] command allows you to move the TCP at the end of the robot in an arc or a circle at a constant speed. The arc or circle is defined by a three-point method, with the robot moving sequentially from the StartPoint to the EndPoint to establish the Cartesian trajectory planning. When the robot moves in an arc or a circle, the StartPoint and the EndPoint will affect the attitude change of the robot, and the maximum speed and acceleration in the movement process are similar to those in linear motion.

  1. The [Circle] node needs to be used under the [MoveL].
  2. The three points that form a circle must not be collinear; otherwise the system will display an error message in a pop-up window.


  • The [Circle] node requires setting of three waypoints: the StartPoint (waypoint _0), the ViaPoint (waypoint _1) and the EndPoint (waypoint _2). By default, all waypoints use the same blend radius. See "4.3.1 Move" for description of blend. As TCP passes through each waypoint at a constant speed, the robot will not wait for I/O or operator's operations. At that time, I/O or operator's operation may cause a protective stop of the robot.

  • Select a mode for orientation relative to the circle (the mode defines the orientation of the tool):

    • Fixed: The tool attitude remains unchanged with respect to the arc path coordinate system.

      Set pose Actual pose
    • Unconstrained: The tool attitude changes linearly, rotating around the fixed axis of space, transitioning from the StartPoint attitude to the EndPoint attitude.

      Set pose Actual pose
    • ViaPoint: The tool attitude changes from the StartPoint attitude to the EndPoint attitude through the ViaPoint attitude.

      Set pose Actual pose
  • Select the trajectory of the circle

    • Full Circle: Once checked, the robot will move in a complete circle determined by the three-point method. When this option is unchecked, the robot will move in a circle between the StartPoint, the ViaPoint and the EndPoint, and returns to the StartPoint in a straight line after reaching the EndPoint.
    • Number of Turns: You can set the number of turns for a complete circle motion.

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