4.4.4 Loop

The [Loop] command allows you to create a loop program block.


  • Loop always: Once checked, the nodes in the program block will run in an infinite loop.

  • Loop N times: Once checked, after setting of the "Loop count", where N N is the number of loops, the nodes in the program block will run in a loop for N N times. The program creates a special loop variable (loop_0 as shown in the figure) that can be used in the expression inside the loop. After entering the loop, the loop variable will start counting from 0 0 to N1 N -1 , ending the loop.

  • Loop when expression is True: Once checked, after setting of the expression, whether the expression is true will be determined when the program runs to the node: if the expression is true, the loop will be entered and the node in the program block will be executed; if the expression is false, this loop will be skipped.

    • Check expression continuously: Once checked, the expression will be continuously checked during execution of the loop program block, and once the expression is determined to be false, the [Loop] program block will be skipped at any time.

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