AuboCaps  0.6.1
arcs::aubo_scope Namespace Reference


class  AnalogIo
 This interface provides support for analog I/Os. More...
struct  AnalogIoFilter
class  ApplicationApi
 Provides access to functionality and services which are relevant for various different applications and contexts. More...
class  AssignmentNode
class  AuboCapInfo
 This interface provides various metadata information about an installed AuboCap, such as the name of the AuboCap. More...
class  BaseFeature
 This interface represents the Base feature in AuboScope. More...
class  BoolRegister
 This interface provides support for bool registers. More...
class  BreakNode
class  CallNode
class  CaseNode
class  CircleMoveNode
class  CommentNode
class  ContributionProvider
 This interfaces provides access to a contribution/. More...
class  DataModel
class  DefaultCaseNode
class  Device
 This base interface represents a device supported by AuboScope, e.g. More...
class  DeviceManager
class  DeviceRegistrationManager
class  DigitalIo
 This interface provides support for digital I/Os. More...
struct  DigitalIoFilter
class  DirectionNode
struct  DoubleRangeValidator
class  DoubleRegister
 This interface provides support for float registers. More...
class  DriveScrewNotOKParameters
class  DriveScrewOKParameters
class  ElseIfNode
class  ElseNode
class  Expression
class  Feature
 This base interface represents all types of features available in AuboScope. More...
class  FeatureContributionModel
struct  FeatureDefinedFilter
struct  FeatureJoggableFilter
class  FeatureLine
class  FeatureModel
 Provides methods that returns features from the current robot installation. More...
class  FeaturePlane
class  FeaturePoint
 This interface represents a Point feature in AuboScope. More...
class  FeatureTool
 This interface represents the Tool feature in AuboScope. More...
class  FeatureVariable
 A Feature marked as a Variable in the installation will exist even when a robot is turned off and on. More...
struct  FeatureVariableFilter
class  FeedScrewParameters
class  FolderNode
class  ForceNode
class  Function
class  FunctionModel
class  GlobalVariable
 Global variables are available everywhere in a program. More...
struct  GlobalVariableFilter
class  GripActionParameters
class  GripForceCapability
class  GripperApiProvider
 This interface provides access to functionality and services available from within AuboScope relevant for gripper contributions. More...
class  GripperConfiguration
 This interface provides access to register or setup various properties and capabilities of a gripper. More...
class  GripperContribution
class  GripperDevice
 This interface represents a gripper device in AuboScope. More...
class  GripperNode
class  GripVacuumCapability
class  HaltNode
class  IfNode
struct  InputIoFilter
struct  InputValidator
class  InstallationApi
 Provides access to functionality and services related to the installation. More...
class  InstallationApiProvider
 Provides access to functionality and services relevant for installation nodes. More...
class  InstallationContributionConfiguration
class  InstallationCreationContext
 Provides information about the context in which an installation node is created. More...
class  InstallationNodeContribution
 API for installation node contributions. More...
class  InstallationNodeService
 Defines an API required for defining and adding to AuboScope an installation node and corresponding screen where the user interface is Swing-based. More...
class  InstallationNodeView
 API for an installation node View which defines the UI for the corresponding InstallationNodeContribution. More...
struct  IntegerRangeValidator
class  IntegerRegister
 This interface provides support for integer registers. More...
class  Io
 This is the base interface representing all types of I/Os available in AuboScope. More...
struct  IoConfigure
class  IoModel
 Provides methods that returns I/Os from the current robot installation. More...
class  KeyboardManager
class  LoopNode
class  ModbusIo
 This interface provides support for MODBUS I/Os. More...
struct  ModbusIoFilter
class  MoveNode
class  OfflineTrackNode
struct  OutputIoFilter
class  PalletNode
class  Payload
class  PayloadContributionModel
class  PayloadModel
class  PersistedVariable
 This interface represents variables stored with the installation. More...
struct  PersistedVariableFilter
class  PopupNode
class  PrepareToStartScrewdriverParameters
class  ProgramApi
 Provides access to functionality and services related to programs. More...
class  ProgramApiProvider
 Provides access to functionality and services relevant for program nodes. More...
class  ProgramContributionConfiguration
 Provides access to configure the properties of an installation node contribution/. More...
class  ProgramCreationContext
 Provides information about the context in which an installation node is created. More...
class  ProgramHomeNode
class  ProgramModel
class  ProgramNode
class  ProgramNodeContribution
 Defines an API required for specifying a AuboCap Program Node within AuboScope. More...
class  ProgramNodeFactory
class  ProgramNodeService
 Defines an API required for adding a new type of program node to AuboScope. More...
class  ProgramNodeView
 API for a program node View which defines the UI for the corresponding ProgramNodeContribution. More...
class  ProgramSelectionParameters
class  RecordTrackNode
class  Register
 This interface provides support for registers. More...
class  RegisteredCapabilities
class  ReleaseActionParameters
class  RenderInterface
class  ScrewdriverApiProvider
 This interface provides access to functionality and services available from within AuboScope relevant for screwdriver contributions. More...
class  ScrewdriverConfiguration
 This interface provides access to register or setup various properties and capabilities of a screwdriver. More...
class  ScrewdriverContribution
class  ScrewdriverParameters
 This interface represents parameters for a screwdriver operation defined/configured by the end user. More...
class  ScrewdriverProgram
 This abstract class represents a screwdriver program, typically defined on an external control box for the screwdriver. More...
class  ScrewdriverReadyParameters
 This interface provides the parameters relevant for generating script for the Screwdriver Ready feedback operation capability (registered using ScrewdriverFeedbackCapabilities#registerScrewdriverReadyCapability(ScriptCodeGenerator)). More...
class  ScrewdrivingNode
class  ScriptNode
class  ScriptWriter
 This interface provides support for generating Script code. More...
class  SeekNode
class  SetNode
class  SetPayloadNode
class  SpeedCapability
struct  StringLengthValidator
class  SubProgNode
class  SwitchNode
class  SystemApi
class  TCP
 This interface represents a TCP in AuboScope. More...
class  TcpContributionModel
class  TcpModel
 This interface provides access to the TCPs that are currently available in AuboScope. More...
class  ThreadNode
class  TimerNode
class  TreeNode
struct  UIntegerRangeValidator
class  UndoRedoManager
class  UntilNode
class  UserInteraction
 This interface provides functionality for requesting input or actions from end users. More...
class  UserInterfaceApi
 Provides access to functionality and services available from within AuboScope related to user interface and end user interaction. More...
class  ValueFactory
class  Variable
class  VariableFactory
class  VariableModel
 Provides methods that returns the variables that currently are registered in the system. More...
class  ViewApiProvider
class  WaitNode
class  Waypoint
 This interface composes parameters that define a position of the robot. More...
class  WaypointModel
 Provides methods that returns Waypoints from the current robot installation. More...
class  WaypointNode
class  WidthCapability


template<class T >
using ContributionProviderPtr = std::shared_ptr< ContributionProvider< T >>
typedef long WidgetHandle
using RobotPositionCallback = std::function< void(bool accepted, const std::vector< double > &pose, const std::vector< double > &q, const std::vector< double > &offset)>
using RobotMovementCallback = std::function< void(bool accepted, int error)>


enum  ScrewdriverOperationType { TIGHTEN, LOOSEN }
 This interface represents the type of screwing operation performed by the screwdriver. More...
enum  UnitType { UnitType::METRIC, UnitType::IMPERIAL }


 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (GripForceCapability)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (GripVacuumCapability)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (RegisteredCapabilities)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (SpeedCapability)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (WidthCapability)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (GripActionParameters)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (GripperApiProvider)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (GripperConfiguration)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (GripperContribution)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (ReleaseActionParameters)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (ScrewdriverApiProvider)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (ProgramSelectionParameters)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (PrepareToStartScrewdriverParameters)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (FeedScrewParameters)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (DriveScrewNotOKParameters)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (DriveScrewOKParameters)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (ScrewdriverReadyParameters)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (ScrewdriverConfiguration)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (ScrewdriverContribution)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (ScrewdriverProgram)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (ScrewdriverParameters)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (InstallationApiProvider)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (InstallationContributionConfiguration)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (InstallationCreationContext)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (InstallationNodeContribution)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (InstallationNodeService)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (InstallationNodeView)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (ProgramApiProvider)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (ProgramContributionConfiguration)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (ProgramCreationContext)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (ProgramNodeContribution)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (ProgramNodeService)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (ApplicationApi)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (DeviceRegistrationManager)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (FeatureContributionModel)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (InstallationApi)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (DoubleRegister)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (IntegerRegister)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (PayloadContributionModel)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (AssignmentNode)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (OfflineTrackNode)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (ScrewdrivingNode)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (ProgramNodeFactory)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (TcpContributionModel)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (KeyboardManager)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (RenderInterface)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (UserInteraction)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (UserInterfaceApi)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (FeatureVariable)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (GlobalVariable)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (PersistedVariable)
 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD (VariableFactory)

Typedef Documentation

template<class T >
using arcs::aubo_scope::ContributionProviderPtr = typedef std::shared_ptr<ContributionProvider<T>>

Definition at line 36 of file contribution_provider.h.

using arcs::aubo_scope::RobotMovementCallback = typedef std::function<void(bool accepted, int error)>

Definition at line 20 of file user_interaction.h.

using arcs::aubo_scope::RobotPositionCallback = typedef std::function<void( bool accepted, const std::vector<double> &pose, const std::vector<double> &q, const std::vector<double> &offset)>

Definition at line 19 of file user_interaction.h.

Definition at line 9 of file program_node_view.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

This interface represents the type of screwing operation performed by the screwdriver.


The screwdriver operation will follow the screw in a tightening direction (in).


The screwdriver operation will follow the screw in a loosening direction (out).

Definition at line 55 of file screw_driver_parameters.h.


公制 mm Kg



Definition at line 12 of file system_api.h.

Function Documentation

arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( Device  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( GripForceCapability  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( GripVacuumCapability  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( BreakNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( CallNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( CaseNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( CircleMoveNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( DefaultCaseNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( SpeedCapability  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ElseNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( FolderNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( HaltNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( Expression  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( WidthCapability  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( GripperDevice  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( OfflineTrackNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( BaseFeature  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( PalletNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( RecordTrackNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( FeaturePlane  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ScrewdrivingNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ScriptNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( SeekNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( SubProgNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( SwitchNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ThreadNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( GripActionParameters  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( InstallationNodeContribution  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( FeaturePoint  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( FeatureTool  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( TimerNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( FunctionModel  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( AnalogIo  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( BoolRegister  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( TcpContributionModel  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( DigitalIo  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ProgramCreationContext  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( DoubleRegister  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( IntegerRegister  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( UserInterfaceApi  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( FeatureVariable  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( GlobalVariable  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( PersistedVariable  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ModbusIo  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( Register  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( DeviceManager  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( Variable  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( WaypointModel  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ViewApiProvider  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( PayloadModel  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( CommentNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( Io  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ElseIfNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ValueFactory  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ForceNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( DeviceRegistrationManager  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( IfNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ReleaseActionParameters  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( AuboCapInfo  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( PopupNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( UndoRedoManager  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( FeatureContributionModel  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ScrewdriverApiProvider  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( SetPayloadNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( InstallationContributionConfiguration  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( UntilNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( InstallationCreationContext  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ProgramNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( Function  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( GripperApiProvider  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( Payload  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( PayloadContributionModel  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( AssignmentNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( GripperNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( Waypoint  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ProgramNodeView  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( DirectionNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ScrewdriverProgram  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( TcpModel  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ProgramNodeContribution  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( FeatureLine  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( SetNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( LoopNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( TreeNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( TCP  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ProgramModel  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( Feature  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ProgramHomeNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( VariableFactory  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( WaypointNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( MoveNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( IoModel  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ProgramApiProvider  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ProgramSelectionParameters  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ScriptWriter  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( InstallationNodeView  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( InstallationApiProvider  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( FeatureModel  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ProgramApi  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( InstallationApi  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( VariableModel  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ScrewdriverContribution  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( RenderInterface  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ProgramContributionConfiguration  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ProgramNodeService  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( GripperConfiguration  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( UserInteraction  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( GripperContribution  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( WaitNode  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( RegisteredCapabilities  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( InstallationNodeService  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( KeyboardManager  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( DataModel  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ApplicationApi  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( SystemApi  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ProgramNodeFactory  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( PrepareToStartScrewdriverParameters  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( FeedScrewParameters  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ScrewdriverParameters  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( DriveScrewNotOKParameters  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( DriveScrewOKParameters  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ScrewdriverReadyParameters  )
arcs::aubo_scope::ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD ( ScrewdriverConfiguration  )