▼Narcs | |
►Naubo_scope | |
CAnalogIo | This interface provides support for analog I/Os |
CAnalogIoFilter | |
CApplicationApi | Provides access to functionality and services which are relevant for various different applications and contexts |
CAssignmentNode | |
CAuboCapInfo | This interface provides various metadata information about an installed AuboCap, such as the name of the AuboCap |
CBaseFeature | This interface represents the Base feature in AuboScope |
CBoolRegister | This interface provides support for bool registers |
CBreakNode | |
CCallNode | |
CCaseNode | |
CCircleMoveNode | |
CCommentNode | |
CContributionProvider | This interfaces provides access to a contribution/ |
CDataModel | |
CDefaultCaseNode | |
CDevice | This base interface represents a device supported by AuboScope, e.g |
CDeviceManager | |
CDeviceRegistrationManager | |
CDigitalIo | This interface provides support for digital I/Os |
CDigitalIoFilter | |
CDirectionNode | |
CDoubleRangeValidator | |
CDoubleRegister | This interface provides support for float registers |
CDriveScrewNotOKParameters | |
CDriveScrewOKParameters | |
CElseIfNode | |
CElseNode | |
CExpression | |
CFeature | This base interface represents all types of features available in AuboScope |
CFeatureContributionModel | |
CFeatureDefinedFilter | |
CFeatureJoggableFilter | |
CFeatureLine | |
CFeatureModel | Provides methods that returns features from the current robot installation |
CFeaturePlane | |
CFeaturePoint | This interface represents a Point feature in AuboScope |
CFeatureTool | This interface represents the Tool feature in AuboScope |
CFeatureVariable | A Feature marked as a Variable in the installation will exist even when a robot is turned off and on |
CFeatureVariableFilter | |
CFeedScrewParameters | |
CFolderNode | |
CForceNode | |
CFunction | |
CFunctionModel | |
CGlobalVariable | Global variables are available everywhere in a program |
CGlobalVariableFilter | |
CGripActionParameters | |
CGripForceCapability | |
CGripperApiProvider | This interface provides access to functionality and services available from within AuboScope relevant for gripper contributions |
CGripperConfiguration | This interface provides access to register or setup various properties and capabilities of a gripper |
CGripperContribution | |
CGripperDevice | This interface represents a gripper device in AuboScope |
CGripperNode | |
CGripVacuumCapability | |
CHaltNode | |
CIfNode | |
CInputIoFilter | |
CInputValidator | |
CInstallationApi | Provides access to functionality and services related to the installation |
CInstallationApiProvider | Provides access to functionality and services relevant for installation nodes |
CInstallationContributionConfiguration | |
CInstallationCreationContext | Provides information about the context in which an installation node is created |
CInstallationNodeContribution | API for installation node contributions |
CInstallationNodeService | Defines an API required for defining and adding to AuboScope an installation node and corresponding screen where the user interface is Swing-based |
CInstallationNodeView | API for an installation node View which defines the UI for the corresponding InstallationNodeContribution |
CIntegerRangeValidator | |
CIntegerRegister | This interface provides support for integer registers |
CIo | This is the base interface representing all types of I/Os available in AuboScope |
CIoConfigure | |
CIoModel | Provides methods that returns I/Os from the current robot installation |
CKeyboardManager | |
CLoopNode | |
CModbusIo | This interface provides support for MODBUS I/Os |
CModbusIoFilter | |
CMoveNode | |
COfflineTrackNode | |
COutputIoFilter | |
CPalletNode | |
CPayload | |
CPayloadContributionModel | |
CPayloadModel | |
CPersistedVariable | This interface represents variables stored with the installation |
CPersistedVariableFilter | |
CPopupNode | |
CPrepareToStartScrewdriverParameters | |
CProgramApi | Provides access to functionality and services related to programs |
CProgramApiProvider | Provides access to functionality and services relevant for program nodes |
CProgramContributionConfiguration | Provides access to configure the properties of an installation node contribution/ |
CProgramCreationContext | Provides information about the context in which an installation node is created |
CProgramHomeNode | |
CProgramModel | |
CProgramNode | |
CProgramNodeContribution | Defines an API required for specifying a AuboCap Program Node within AuboScope |
CProgramNodeFactory | |
CProgramNodeService | Defines an API required for adding a new type of program node to AuboScope |
CProgramNodeView | API for a program node View which defines the UI for the corresponding ProgramNodeContribution |
CProgramSelectionParameters | |
CRecordTrackNode | |
CRegister | This interface provides support for registers |
CRegisteredCapabilities | |
CReleaseActionParameters | |
CRenderInterface | |
CScrewdriverApiProvider | This interface provides access to functionality and services available from within AuboScope relevant for screwdriver contributions |
CScrewdriverConfiguration | This interface provides access to register or setup various properties and capabilities of a screwdriver |
CScrewdriverContribution | |
CScrewdriverParameters | This interface represents parameters for a screwdriver operation defined/configured by the end user |
CScrewdriverProgram | This abstract class represents a screwdriver program, typically defined on an external control box for the screwdriver |
CScrewdriverReadyParameters | This interface provides the parameters relevant for generating script for the Screwdriver Ready feedback operation capability (registered using ScrewdriverFeedbackCapabilities#registerScrewdriverReadyCapability(ScriptCodeGenerator)) |
CScrewdrivingNode | |
CScriptNode | |
CScriptWriter | This interface provides support for generating Script code |
CSeekNode | |
CSetNode | |
CSetPayloadNode | |
CSpeedCapability | |
CStringLengthValidator | |
CSubProgNode | |
CSwitchNode | |
CSystemApi | |
CTCP | This interface represents a TCP in AuboScope |
CTcpContributionModel | |
CTcpModel | This interface provides access to the TCPs that are currently available in AuboScope |
CThreadNode | |
CTimerNode | |
CTreeNode | |
CUIntegerRangeValidator | |
CUndoRedoManager | |
CUntilNode | |
CUserInteraction | This interface provides functionality for requesting input or actions from end users |
CUserInterfaceApi | Provides access to functionality and services available from within AuboScope related to user interface and end user interaction |
CValueFactory | |
CVariable | |
CVariableFactory | |
CVariableModel | Provides methods that returns the variables that currently are registered in the system |
CViewApiProvider | |
CWaitNode | |
CWaypoint | This interface composes parameters that define a position of the robot |
CWaypointModel | Provides methods that returns Waypoints from the current robot installation |
CWaypointNode | |
CWidthCapability |