AuboCaps  0.6.1
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Carcs::aubo_scope::ApplicationApiProvides access to functionality and services which are relevant for various different applications and contexts
 Carcs::aubo_scope::AuboCapInfoThis interface provides various metadata information about an installed AuboCap, such as the name of the AuboCap
 Carcs::aubo_scope::ContributionProvider< T >This interfaces provides access to a contribution/
 Carcs::aubo_scope::DeviceThis base interface represents a device supported by AuboScope, e.g
 Carcs::aubo_scope::FeatureThis base interface represents all types of features available in AuboScope
 Carcs::aubo_scope::FeatureModelProvides methods that returns features from the current robot installation
 Carcs::aubo_scope::GripperApiProviderThis interface provides access to functionality and services available from within AuboScope relevant for gripper contributions
 Carcs::aubo_scope::GripperConfigurationThis interface provides access to register or setup various properties and capabilities of a gripper
 Carcs::aubo_scope::InstallationApiProviderProvides access to functionality and services relevant for installation nodes
 Carcs::aubo_scope::InstallationCreationContextProvides information about the context in which an installation node is created
 Carcs::aubo_scope::InstallationNodeContributionAPI for installation node contributions
 Carcs::aubo_scope::InstallationNodeServiceDefines an API required for defining and adding to AuboScope an installation node and corresponding screen where the user interface is Swing-based
 Carcs::aubo_scope::InstallationNodeViewAPI for an installation node View which defines the UI for the corresponding InstallationNodeContribution
 Carcs::aubo_scope::IoThis is the base interface representing all types of I/Os available in AuboScope
 Carcs::aubo_scope::IoModelProvides methods that returns I/Os from the current robot installation
 Carcs::aubo_scope::ProgramApiProviderProvides access to functionality and services relevant for program nodes
 Carcs::aubo_scope::ProgramContributionConfigurationProvides access to configure the properties of an installation node contribution/
 Carcs::aubo_scope::ProgramCreationContextProvides information about the context in which an installation node is created
 Carcs::aubo_scope::ProgramNodeContributionDefines an API required for specifying a AuboCap Program Node within AuboScope
 Carcs::aubo_scope::ProgramNodeServiceDefines an API required for adding a new type of program node to AuboScope
 Carcs::aubo_scope::ProgramNodeViewAPI for a program node View which defines the UI for the corresponding ProgramNodeContribution
 Carcs::aubo_scope::ScrewdriverApiProviderThis interface provides access to functionality and services available from within AuboScope relevant for screwdriver contributions
 Carcs::aubo_scope::ScrewdriverConfigurationThis interface provides access to register or setup various properties and capabilities of a screwdriver
 Carcs::aubo_scope::ScrewdriverParametersThis interface represents parameters for a screwdriver operation defined/configured by the end user
 Carcs::aubo_scope::ScrewdriverProgramThis abstract class represents a screwdriver program, typically defined on an external control box for the screwdriver
 Carcs::aubo_scope::ScrewdriverReadyParametersThis interface provides the parameters relevant for generating script for the Screwdriver Ready feedback operation capability (registered using ScrewdriverFeedbackCapabilities#registerScrewdriverReadyCapability(ScriptCodeGenerator))
 Carcs::aubo_scope::ScriptWriterThis interface provides support for generating Script code
 Carcs::aubo_scope::TCPThis interface represents a TCP in AuboScope
 Carcs::aubo_scope::TcpModelThis interface provides access to the TCPs that are currently available in AuboScope
 Carcs::aubo_scope::UserInteractionThis interface provides functionality for requesting input or actions from end users
 Carcs::aubo_scope::UserInterfaceApiProvides access to functionality and services available from within AuboScope related to user interface and end user interaction
 Carcs::aubo_scope::VariableModelProvides methods that returns the variables that currently are registered in the system
 Carcs::aubo_scope::WaypointThis interface composes parameters that define a position of the robot
 Carcs::aubo_scope::WaypointModelProvides methods that returns Waypoints from the current robot installation