AuboCaps  0.6.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
4 #include <functional>
8 namespace arcs {
9 namespace aubo_scope {
11 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD(ProgramSelectionParameters);
12 /**
13  * <p>
14  * This interface provides parameters relevant for generating script code for
15  * the Program Selection capability (registered using {@link
16  * ScrewdriverCapabilities#registerProgramSelectionCapability(ScrewdriverProgramListProvider,
17  * ScriptCodeGenerator)}).
18  * </p>
19  *
20  * These parameters are passed when AuboScope calls the implementation of the
21  * {@link ScriptCodeGenerator#generateScript(ScriptWriter, Object)} method
22  * responsible for the generating the script code.
23  */
25 {
26 public:
27  virtual ~ProgramSelectionParameters() = default;
29  /**
30  * @return The selected screwdriver program to use for the operation.
31  * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the screwdriver has not
32  * registered this capability
33  */
36  /**
37  * @return The operation type selected by the end user.
38  * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the screwdriver has not
39  * registered this capability
40  */
42 };
45 /**
46  * <p>
47  * This interface provides parameters relevant for generating script code for
48  * the Prepare To Start Screwdriver capability (registered using {@link
49  * ScrewdriverCapabilities#registerPrepareToStartScrewdriverCapability(ScriptCodeGenerator)}).
50  * </p>
51  *
52  * <p>
53  * These parameters are passed when AuboScope calls the implementation of the
54  * {@link ScriptCodeGenerator#generateScript(ScriptWriter, Object)} method
55  * responsible for the generating the script code.
56  * </p>
57  *
58  * The interface is intentionally empty, but could have parameters in future
59  * releases.
60  */
62 {
63 public:
64  virtual ~PrepareToStartScrewdriverParameters() = default;
65 };
68 /**
69  * <p>
70  * This interface provides parameters relevant for generating script code for
71  * the Feed Screw capability (registered using {@link
72  * ScrewdriverCapabilities#registerFeedScrewCapability(ScriptCodeGenerator)}).
73  * </p>
74  *
75  * <p>
76  * These parameters are passed when AuboScope calls the implementation of the
77  * {@link ScriptCodeGenerator#generateScript(ScriptWriter, Object)} method
78  * responsible for the generating the script code.
79  * </p>
80  *
81  * The interface is intentionally empty, but could have parameters in future
82  * releases.
83  */
85 {
86 public:
87  virtual ~FeedScrewParameters() = default;
88 };
91 /**
92  * <p>
93  * This interface provides parameters relevant for generating script code for
94  * the Drive Screw Not OK feedback capability (registered using {@link
95  * ScrewdriverFeedbackCapabilities#registerDriveScrewNotOKCapability(ScriptCodeGenerator)}).
96  * </p>
97  *
98  * <p>
99  * These parameters are passed when AuboScope calls the implementation of the
100  * {@link ScriptCodeGenerator#generateScript(ScriptWriter, Object)} method
101  * responsible for the generating the script code.
102  * </p>
103  *
104  * The interface is intentionally empty, but could have parameters in future
105  * releases.
106  */
108 {
109 public:
110  virtual ~DriveScrewNotOKParameters() = default;
111 };
114 /**
115  * <p>
116  * This interface provides parameters relevant for generating script code for
117  * the Drive Screw OK feedback capability (registered using {@link
118  * ScrewdriverFeedbackCapabilities#registerDriveScrewOKCapability(ScriptCodeGenerator)}).
119  * </p>
120  *
121  * <p>
122  * These parameters are passed when AuboScope calls the implementation of the
123  * {@link ScriptCodeGenerator#generateScript(ScriptWriter, Object)} method
124  * responsible for the generating the script code.
125  * </p>
126  *
127  * The interface is intentionally empty, but could have parameters in future
128  * releases.
129  */
131 {
132 public:
133  virtual ~DriveScrewOKParameters() = default;
134 };
137 /**
138  * This interface provides the parameters relevant for generating script for the
139  * Screwdriver Ready feedback operation capability (registered using {@link
140  * ScrewdriverFeedbackCapabilities#registerScrewdriverReadyCapability(ScriptCodeGenerator)}).
141  *
142  * <p>
143  * These parameters are passed when AuboScope calls the implementation of the
144  * {@link ScriptCodeGenerator#generateScript(ScriptWriter, Object)} method
145  * responsible for the generating the script code.
146  * </p>
147  *
148  * The interface is intentionally empty, but could have parameters in future
149  * releases.
150  */
152 {
153 public:
154  virtual ~ScrewdriverReadyParameters() = default;
155 };
158 /**
159  * This interface provides access to register or setup various properties and
160  * capabilities of a screwdriver. It is optional to register these capabilities
161  * and properties.
162  */
164 {
165 public:
166  virtual ~ScrewdriverConfiguration() = default;
168  /**
169  * Add a screwdriver program to the list of programs.
170  *
171  * @param screwdriverProgram program to add, not <code>null</code>
172  * @throws DuplicateScrewdriverProgramID if the ids of the screwdriver
173  * programs (returned by the method {@link ScrewdriverProgram#getId()})
174  * are not unique.
175  * @throws NameOfScrewdriverProgramCannotBeNullOrEmpty if the display name
176  * of a program (returned by the method {@link
177  * ScrewdriverProgram#getDisplayName()}) is <code>null</code> or an empty
178  * string.
179  */
180  virtual void addScrewdriverProgram(
181  ScrewdriverProgramPtr screwdriverProgram) = 0;
183  /**
184  * Add a list of screwdriver programs to the list of programs.
185  *
186  * @param screwdriverProgramList list of programs to add, not
187  * <code>null</code>
188  * @throws DuplicateScrewdriverProgramID if the ids of the screwdriver
189  * programs (returned by the method
190  * {@link ScrewdriverProgram#getId()})
191  * are not unique.
192  * @throws NameOfScrewdriverProgramCannotBeNullOrEmpty if the display name
193  * of a program (returned by the method
194  * {@link
195  * ScrewdriverProgram#getDisplayName()}) is <code>null</code> or an empty
196  * string.
197  */
198  virtual void addScrewdriverPrograms(
199  std::vector<ScrewdriverProgramPtr> screwdriverProgramList) = 0;
201  /**
202  * <p>
203  * Register a program selection capability for a screwdriver that supports
204  * selecting between a set of screwdriver programs, typically defined on an
205  * external control box for the screwdriver.
206  * </p>
207  *
208  * <p>
209  * The provided implementation of the {@link ScriptCodeGenerator} interface
210  * must generate the script code for selecting the specified screwdriver
211  * program. The return value of the script code must be a boolean, i.e.
212  * 'True' or 'False'. 'True' must be returned if selecting the program
213  * succeeded and 'False' must be returned if the program selection failed.
214  * </p>
215  *
216  * The generated script code is executed before the script code for starting
217  * the screwdriver (could be from a different node), i.e the script code
218  * generated by
219  * {@link
220  * ScrewdriverContribution#generateStartScrewdriverScript(ScriptWriter,
221  * ScrewdriverParameters)}.
222  *
223  * @param programListProvider provider of the list of screwdriver programs,
224  * not <code>null</code>
225  * @param scriptCodeGenerator script code generator responsible for
226  * generating the script code for selecting the specified screwdriver
227  * program. When the script code needs to be generated, the
228  * {@link
229  * ScriptCodeGenerator#generateScript(ScriptWriter, Object)} method will be
230  * called (by AuboScope). Return value for the generated script code must be
231  * a boolean, i.e. 'True' or 'False'.
232  * @throws CapabilityAlreadyRegistered if this capability has already been
233  * registered
234  * @throws CalledOutsideScrewdriverConfigurationPhase if this method is
235  * called at the wrong time, i.e. outside the scope of the {@link
236  * ScrewdriverContribution#configureScrewdriver(ScrewdriverConfiguration,
237  * ScrewdriverApiProvider)} method.
238  */
239  virtual void registerProgramSelectionCapability(
240  std::function<void(ScriptWriterPtr, ProgramSelectionParametersPtr)>
241  scriptCodeGenerator) = 0;
243  /**
244  * Register an operation type capability for a screwdriver that
245  * supports/requires the parameter for the screwdriving operation type (i.e.
246  * if the operation is Tighten or Loosen).
247  *
248  * @throws CapabilityAlreadyRegistered if this capability has already been
249  * registered
250  * @throws CalledOutsideScrewdriverConfigurationPhase if this method is
251  * called at the wrong time, i.e. outside the scope of the {@link
252  * ScrewdriverContribution#configureScrewdriver(ScrewdriverConfiguration,
253  * ScrewdriverApiProvider)} method.
254  */
255  virtual void registerOperationTypeCapability() = 0;
257  /**
258  * <p>
259  * Register a capability/requirement for a screwdriver that needs to
260  * generate script code for preparing the screwdriver for a screwdriving
261  * operation (before starting the screw driver).
262  * </p>
263  *
264  * <p>
265  * The provided implementation of the {@link ScriptCodeGenerator} interface
266  * must generate the script code for preparing the screwdriver. The return
267  * value of the script code must be a boolean, i.e. 'True' or 'False'.
268  * 'True' must be returned if the preparation of the screwdriver was
269  * successful and 'False' must be returned if the preparation failed.
270  * </p>
271  *
272  * The generated script code is executed before the script code for starting
273  * the screwdriver (could be from a different node), i.e the script code
274  * generated by
275  * {@link
276  * ScrewdriverContribution#generateStartScrewdriverScript(ScriptWriter,
277  * ScrewdriverParameters)}.
278  *
279  * @param scriptCodeGenerator script code generator responsible for
280  * generating the script code for preparing the screwdriver. When the script
281  * code needs to be generated, the
282  * {@link
283  * ScriptCodeGenerator#generateScript(ScriptWriter, Object)} method will be
284  * called (by AuboScope). Return value for the generated script code must be
285  * a boolean, i.e. 'True' or 'False'.
286  * @throws CapabilityAlreadyRegistered if this capability has already been
287  * registered
288  * @throws CalledOutsideScrewdriverConfigurationPhase if this method is
289  * called at the wrong time, i.e. outside the scope of the {@link
290  * ScrewdriverContribution#configureScrewdriver(ScrewdriverConfiguration,
291  * ScrewdriverApiProvider)} method.
292  */
293  virtual void registerPrepareToStartScrewdriverCapability(
294  std::function<void(ScriptWriterPtr,
295  PrepareToStartScrewdriverParametersPtr)>
296  scriptCodeGenerator) = 0;
298  /**
299  * <p>
300  * Register a capability for a screwdriver that supports automatic screw
301  * feeding.
302  * </p>
303  *
304  * <p>
305  * The provided implementation of the {@link ScriptCodeGenerator} interface
306  * must generate the script code for feeding a screw to the screwdriver. The
307  * return value of the script code must be a boolean, i.e. 'True' or
308  * 'False'. 'True' must be returned if the screw feed operation was
309  * successful and 'False' must be returned if the operation failed.
310  * </p>
311  *
312  * The generated script code is executed before the script code for
313  * preparing the screwdriver, i.e the script code generated by {@link
314  * #registerPrepareToStartScrewdriverCapability(ScriptCodeGenerator)}.
315  *
316  * @param scriptCodeGenerator script code generator responsible for
317  * generating the script code for feeding a screw to the screwdriver. When
318  * the script code needs to be generated, the
319  * {@link
320  * ScriptCodeGenerator#generateScript(ScriptWriter, Object)} method will be
321  * called (by AuboScope). Return value for the generated script code must be
322  * a boolean, i.e. 'True' or 'False'
323  * @throws CapabilityAlreadyRegistered if this capability has already been
324  * registered
325  * @throws CalledOutsideScrewdriverConfigurationPhase if this method is
326  * called at the wrong time, i.e. outside the scope of the {@link
327  * ScrewdriverContribution#configureScrewdriver(ScrewdriverConfiguration,
328  * ScrewdriverApiProvider)} method.
329  */
330  virtual void registerFeedScrewCapability(
331  std::function<void(ScriptWriterPtr, FeedScrewParametersPtr)>
332  scriptCodeGenerator) = 0;
334  /**
335  * <p>
336  * Register a feedback capability for a screwdriver that is capable of
337  * providing information about whether or not an ongoing screwdriving
338  * operation (driving the screw) ended successfully (ended in OK-state).
339  * </p>
340  *
341  * <p>
342  * <b>Note:</b> This capability must only be used to provide feedback about
343  * the success of the screwing operation. It should not be used to provide
344  * feedback about failures. To support feedback about when the operation
345  * fails, register the Drive Screw Not Ok feedback capability the using the
346  * {@link #registerDriveScrewNotOKCapability(ScriptCodeGenerator)} method.
347  * </p>
348  *
349  * <p>
350  * The provided implementation of the {@link ScriptCodeGenerator} interface
351  * must generate the script code for determining if the screwing operation
352  * succeeded. The return value of the script code must be a boolean, i.e.
353  * 'True' or 'False'. 'True' must be returned if the screwing operation was
354  * successful, otherwise 'False' must be returned.
355  * </p>
356  *
357  * <p>
358  * <b>Note:</b> A return value of 'False' must not be used to indicate that
359  * the operation failed, but simply that a success was not (yet) detected.
360  * If the screwdriver can provide feedback on whether or not the screwing
361  * operation failed, the Drive Screw Not Ok feedback capability must be
362  * used.
363  * </p>
364  *
365  * <b>Example:</b> <br>
366  * The digital tool input 0 will go high if the operation ended in OK-state.
367  * The script code is: <pre> return get_tool_digital_in(0)
368  * </pre>
369  *
370  * So the implementation of {@link
371  * ScriptCodeGenerator#generateScript(ScriptWriter, Object)} could be: <pre>
372  * scriptWriter.appendLine("return get_tool_digital_in(0)");
373  * </pre>
374  *
375  * @param scriptCodeGenerator script code generator responsible for
376  * generating the script code for determining if the screwing operation
377  * succeeded. When the script code needs to be generated, the
378  * {@link
379  * ScriptCodeGenerator#generateScript(ScriptWriter, Object)} method will be
380  * called (by AuboScope). Return value for the
381  * generated script code must be a boolean, i.e. 'True' or 'False'.
382  * @throws CapabilityAlreadyRegistered if this capability has already been
383  * registered
384  * @throws CalledOutsideScrewdriverConfigurationPhase if this method is
385  * called at the wrong time, i.e. outside the scope of the {@link
386  * ScrewdriverContribution#configureScrewdriver(ScrewdriverConfiguration,
387  * ScrewdriverApiProvider)} method.
388  */
389  virtual void registerDriveScrewOKCapability(
390  std::function<void(ScriptWriterPtr, DriveScrewOKParametersPtr)>
391  scriptCodeGenerator) = 0;
393  /**
394  * <p>
395  * Register a feedback capability for a screwdriver that is capable of
396  * providing information about whether or not an ongoing screwdriving
397  * operation (driving the screw) failed, i.e. ended in Not Ok (NOK) state.
398  * </p>
399  *
400  * <p>
401  * <b>Note:</b> This capability must only be used to provide feedback about
402  * the failure of the screwing operation. It should not be used to provide
403  * feedback about successes. To support feedback about when the operation
404  * succeeds, register the Drive Screw Ok feedback capability the using the
405  * {@link #registerDriveScrewOKCapability(ScriptCodeGenerator)} method.
406  * </p>
407  *
408  * <p>
409  * The provided implementation of the {@link ScriptCodeGenerator} interface
410  * must generate the script code for determining if the screwing operation
411  * ended in failure. The return value of the script code must be a boolean,
412  * i.e. 'True' or 'False'. 'True' must be returned if the screwing operation
413  * failed, otherwise 'False' must be returned.
414  * </p>
415  *
416  * <p>
417  * <b>Note:</b> A return value of 'False' must not be used to indicate that
418  * the operation succeeded, but simply that a failure was not (yet)
419  * detected. If the screwdriver can provide feedback on whether or not the
420  * screwing operation succeeded, the Drive Screw Ok feedback capability
421  * should be used.
422  * </p>
423  *
424  * <b>Example:</b> <br>
425  * The digital tool input 1 will go high if the operation ended in NOT
426  * OK-state. The script code is: <pre> return get_tool_digital_in(1)
427  * </pre>
428  * So the implementation of {@link
429  * ScriptCodeGenerator#generateScript(ScriptWriter, Object)} could be: <pre>
430  * scriptWriter.appendLine("return get_tool_digital_in(1)");
431  * </pre>
432  *
433  *
434  * @param scriptCodeGenerator script code generator responsible for
435  * generating the script code for determining if the screwing operation
436  * failed. When the script code needs to be generated, the {@link
437  * ScriptCodeGenerator#generateScript(ScriptWriter, Object)} method will be
438  * called (by AuboScope). Return value for the
439  * generated script code must be a boolean, i.e. 'True' or 'False'.
440  * @throws CapabilityAlreadyRegistered if this capability has already been
441  * registered
442  * @throws CalledOutsideScrewdriverConfigurationPhase if this method is
443  * called at the wrong time, i.e. outside the scope of the {@link
444  * ScrewdriverContribution#configureScrewdriver(ScrewdriverConfiguration,
445  * ScrewdriverApiProvider)} method.
446  */
447  virtual void registerDriveScrewNotOKCapability(
448  std::function<void(ScriptWriterPtr, DriveScrewNotOKParametersPtr)>
449  scriptCodeGenerator) = 0;
451  /**
452  * <p>
453  * Register a feedback capability for a screwdriver that is capable of
454  * providing information about whether or not the screwdriver device is
455  * ready to operate (receive commands). This capability is used (by
456  * AuboScope) in a program to ensure that the screwdriver is ready before
457  * sending commands to it.
458  * </p>
459  *
460  * <p>
461  * The provided implementation of the {@link ScriptCodeGenerator} interface
462  * must generate the script code for determining if the screwdriver is
463  * ready. The return value of the script code must be a boolean, i.e. 'True'
464  * or 'False'. 'True' must be returned if the screwdriver is ready,
465  * otherwise 'False' must be returned.
466  * </p>
467  *
468  * The generated script code is executed before the script code for the
469  * program selected capability (if that capability has been registered).
470  *
471  * @param scriptCodeGenerator script code generator responsible for
472  * generating the script code for determining if the screwdriver is ready.
473  * When the script code needs to be generated, the
474  * {@link
475  * ScriptCodeGenerator#generateScript(ScriptWriter, Object)} method will be
476  * called (by AuboScope). Return value for the
477  * generated script code must be a boolean, i.e. 'True' or 'False'.
478  * @throws CapabilityAlreadyRegistered if this capability has already been
479  * registered
480  * @throws CalledOutsideScrewdriverConfigurationPhase if this method is
481  * called at the wrong time, i.e. outside the scope of the {@link
482  * ScrewdriverContribution#configureScrewdriver(ScrewdriverConfiguration,
483  * ScrewdriverApiProvider)} method.
484  */
485  virtual void registerScrewdriverReadyCapability(
486  std::function<void(ScriptWriterPtr, ScrewdriverReadyParametersPtr)>
487  scriptCodeGenerator) = 0;
488 };
489 } // namespace aubo_scope
490 } // namespace arcs
492 #endif
virtual ScrewdriverProgram getScrewdriverProgram()=0
virtual ScrewdriverOperationType getScrewdriverOperationType()=0
This interface represents the type of screwing operation performed by the screwdriver.
This abstract class represents a screwdriver program, typically defined on an external control box fo...
This interface provides access to register or setup various properties and capabilities of a screwdri...
This interface provides the parameters relevant for generating script for the Screwdriver Ready feedb...