


名称 数据类型 说明
set_recipe RtdeRecipe Set
input_bit_registers0_to_31 int General purpose bits This range of the boolean input registers is reserved forFieldBus/PLC interface usage.
input_bit_registers32_to_63 int General purpose bits This range of the boolean input registers is reserved forFieldBus/PLC interface usage.
input_bit_registers64_to_127 int64_t 64 general purpose bits X: [64..127] - The upper range of the boolean input registers canbe used by external RTDE clients (i.e AUBOCAPS).
input_int_registers_0 int 48 general purpose integer registers X: [0..23] - The lower range of the integer input registers isreserved for FieldBus/PLC interface usage. X: [24..47] - Theupper range of the integer input registers can be used byexternal RTDE clients (i.e AUBOCAPS).
input_float_registers_0 float 48 general purpose integer registers X: [0..23] - The lower range of the integer input registers isreserved for FieldBus/PLC interface usage. X: [24..47] - Theupper range of the integer input registers can be used byexternal RTDE clients (i.e AUBOCAPS).
input_double_registers_0 double 48 general purpose double registersX: [0..23] - The lower range of the double input registers is reserved for FieldBus/PLC interface usage.X: [24..47] - The upper range of the double input registers can be used by external RTDE clients (i.e AUBOCAPS).
input_int16_registers_0 double
input_int16_registers0_to_63 std::vector
R1_speed_slider_mask double 0 = don't change speed slider with this input
= use speed_slider_fraction to set speed slider value
R1_speed_slider_fraction double new speed slider value
R1_standard_digital_output_mask uint32_t Standard digital outputs
R1_configurable_digital_output_mask uint32_t Configurable digital outputs
R1_standard_digital_output uint32_t Standard digital outputs
R1_configurable_digital_output uint32_t Configurable digital outputs
R1_tool_digital_output uint32_t Tool digital outputs
its 0-1: output state, remaining bits are reserved for future use
R1_standard_analog_output_type std::vector Output domain {0=current[A], 1=voltage[V]}
Bits 0-1: standard_analog_output_0
R1_standard_analog_output_mask uint32_t Standard analog output 0 (ratio) [0..1]
R1_standard_analog_output std::vector Standard analog output 1 (ratio) [0..1]
R1_debug uint32_t Debug for internal use
R1_tool_digital_output_mask uint32_t Tool digital outputs mask
R1_rtde_input_max int
R2_speed_slider_mask double 0 = don't change speed slider with this input
= use speed_slider_fraction to set speed slider value
R2_speed_slider_fraction double new speed slider value
R2_standard_digital_output_mask uint32_t Standard digital outputs
R2_configurable_digital_output_mask uint32_t Configurable digital outputs
R2_standard_digital_output uint32_t Standard digital outputs
R2_configurable_digital_output uint32_t Configurable digital outputs
R2_tool_digital_output uint32_t Tool digital outputs
its 0-1: output state, remaining bits are reserved for future use
R2_standard_analog_output_type std::vector Output domain {0=current[A], 1=voltage[V]}
Bits 0-1: standard_analog_output_0
R2_standard_analog_output_mask uint32_t Standard analog output 0 (ratio) [0..1]
R2_standard_analog_output std::vector Standard analog output 1 (ratio) [0..1]
R2_debug uint32_t Debug for internal use
R2_tool_digital_output_mask uint32_t Tool digital outputs mask
R2_rtde_input_max int
R3_speed_slider_mask double 0 = don't change speed slider with this input
= use speed_slider_fraction to set speed slider value
R3_speed_slider_fraction double new speed slider value
R3_standard_digital_output_mask uint32_t Standard digital outputs
R3_configurable_digital_output_mask uint32_t Configurable digital outputs
R3_standard_digital_output uint32_t Standard digital outputs
R3_configurable_digital_output uint32_t Configurable digital outputs
R3_tool_digital_output uint32_t Tool digital outputs
its 0-1: output state, remaining bits are reserved for future use
R3_standard_analog_output_type std::vector Output domain {0=current[A], 1=voltage[V]}
Bits 0-1: standard_analog_output_0
R3_standard_analog_output_mask uint32_t Standard analog output 0 (ratio) [0..1]
R3_standard_analog_output std::vector Standard analog output 1 (ratio) [0..1]
R3_debug uint32_t Debug for internal use
R3_tool_digital_output_mask uint32_t Tool digital outputs mask
R3_rtde_input_max int
R4_speed_slider_mask double 0 = don't change speed slider with this input
= use speed_slider_fraction to set speed slider value
R4_speed_slider_fraction double new speed slider value
R4_standard_digital_output_mask uint32_t Standard digital outputs
R4_configurable_digital_output_mask uint32_t Configurable digital outputs
R4_standard_digital_output uint32_t Standard digital outputs
R4_configurable_digital_output uint32_t Configurable digital outputs
R4_tool_digital_output uint32_t Tool digital outputs
its 0-1: output state, remaining bits are reserved for future use
R4_standard_analog_output_type std::vector Output domain {0=current[A], 1=voltage[V]}
Bits 0-1: standard_analog_output_0
R4_standard_analog_output_mask uint32_t Standard analog output 0 (ratio) [0..1]
R4_standard_analog_output std::vector Standard analog output 1 (ratio) [0..1]
R4_debug uint32_t Debug for internal use
R4_tool_digital_output_mask uint32_t Tool digital outputs mask
R4_rtde_input_max int


名称 数据类型 说明
timestamp double Time elapsed since the controller was started [s]
line_number int line number set by setPlanContext
runtime_state RuntimeState Program state
output_bit_registers_0_to_63 int64_t 64 [000..063] General purpose bits
output_bit_registers_64_to_127 int64_t 64 [064..127] general purpose bits
output_int_registers_0 int 48 general purpose integer registersX: [0..23] - The lower range of the integer output registers isreserved for FieldBus/PLC interface usage. X: [24..47] - The upper range of the integer output registers can be used by external RTDE clients (i.e AUBOCAPS).
output_float_registers_0 int 48 general purpose integer registersX: [0..23] - The lower range of the integer output registers isreserved for FieldBus/PLC interface usage. X: [24..47] - The upper range of the integer output registers can be used by external RTDE clients (i.e AUBOCAPS).
output_double_registers_0 double 48 general purpose double registersX: [0..23] - The lower range of the double output registers isreserved for FieldBus/PLC interface usage. X: [24..47] - The upper range of the double output registers can be used by external RTDE clients (i.e AUBOCAPS).
input_bit_registers_r0_to_63 int64_t [0..63] General purpose bits This range of the boolean outputregisters is reserved for FieldBus/PLC interface usage.
input_bit_registers_r64_to_127 int64_t 64 [64..127] general purpose bits
input_int_registers_r0 int ([0 .. 48]) 48 general purpose integer registersX: [0..23] - The lower range of the integer input registers isreserved for FieldBus/PLC interface usage. X: [24..47] - Theupper range of the integer input registers can be used byexternal RTDE clients (i.e AUBOCAPS).
input_float_registers_r0 int ([0 .. 48]) 48 general purpose integer registersX: [0..23] - The lower range of the integer input registers isreserved for FieldBus/PLC interface usage. X: [24..47] - Theupper range of the integer input registers can be used byexternal RTDE clients (i.e AUBOCAPS).
input_double_registers_r0 double ([0 .. 48]) 48 general purpose double registersX: [0..23] - The lower range of the double input registers isreserved for FieldBus/PLC interface usage. X: [24..47] - Theupper range of the double input registers can be used byexternal RTDE clients (i.e AUBOCAPS).
modbus_signals std::vector Modbus signals from connected modbus slaves
modbus_signals_errors std::vector Modbus signals request status from connected modbus slaves
input_int16_registers_r0 int16_t input_int16_registers_r0
input_int16_registers_0_to_63 std::vector
R1_message RobotMsg Robot message from controller
R1_target_q std::vector Target joint positions
R1_target_qd std::vector Target joint velocities
R1_target_qdd std::vector Target joint accelerations
R1_target_current std::vector Target joint currents
R1_target_moment std::vector Target joint moments (torques)
R1_actual_q std::vector Actual joint positions
R1_actual_qd std::vector Actual joint velocities
R1_actual_current std::vector Actual joint currents
R1_joint_control_output std::vector Joint control currents
R1_joint_temperatures std::vector Temperature of each joint in degrees Celsius
R1_actual_joint_voltage std::vector Actual joint voltages
R1_joint_mode std::vector Joint control modes Please see Remote Control Via TCP/IP - 16496
R1_actual_execution_time double Controller real-time thread execution time
R1_robot_mode RobotModeType Robot mode Please see Remote Control Via TCP/IP - 16496
R1_safety_mode SafetyModeType Safety mode Please see Remote Control Via TCP/IP - 16496
R1_safety_status unknown Safety ststus
R1_robot_status_bits unknown Bits 0-3: Is power on Is program running Isteach button pressed Is power button pressed
R1_safety_status_bits unknown Bits 0-10: Is normal mode Is reduced mode Is protectivestopped Is recovery mode Is safeguard stopped Is systememergency stopped Is robot emergency stopped Is emergencystopped Is violation Is fault Is stopped due to safety
R1_speed_scaling double Speed scaling of the trajectory limiter
R1_target_speed_fraction double Target speed fraction
R1_actual_TCP_pose std::vector Actual Cartesian coordinates of the tool:(x,y,z,rx,ry,rz), where rx, ry and rz is a rotationvector representation of the tool orientation
R1_actual_TCP_speed std::vector Actual speed of the tool given in Cartesian coordinates
R1_actual_TCP_force std::vector Generalized forces in the TCP
R1_target_TCP_pose std::vector Target Cartesian coordinates of the tool:(x,y,z,rx,ry,rz), where rx, ry and rz is a rotationvector representation of the tool orientation
R1_target_TCP_speed std::vector Target speed of the tool given in Cartesian coordinates
R1_elbow_position std::vector Position of robot elbow in Cartesian Base Coordinates
R1_elbow_velocity std::vector Velocity of robot elbow in Cartesian Base Coordinates
R1_actual_momentum std::vector Norm of Cartesian linear momentum
R1_tcp_force_scalar std::vector TCP force scalar [N]
R1_future_path_points std::vector> Get future path points joint
R1_actual_main_voltage unknown Safety Control Board: Main voltage
R1_actual_robot_voltage unknown Safety Control Board: Robot voltage (48V)
R1_actual_robot_current unknown Safety Control Board: Robot current
R1_joint_torque_sensor std::vector Joint torque sensor
R1_operationalModeSelectorInput OperationalModeType Current state of the operational mode selector input
R1_threePositionEnablingDeviceInput unknown
R1_masterboard_temperature unknown
R1_standard_digital_input_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital inputs. 0-7:Standard, 8-15: Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R1_tool_digital_input_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital inputs. 0-7:Standard, 8-15: Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R1_configurable_digital_input_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital inputs. 0-7:Standard, 8-15: Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R1_link_digital_input_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital inputs. 0-7:Standard, 8-15: Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R1_standard_digital_output_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital outputs. 0-7: Standard, 8-15:Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R1_tool_digital_output_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital outputs. 0-7: Standard, 8-15:Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R1_configurable_digital_output_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital outputs. 0-7: Standard, 8-15:Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R1_link_digital_output_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital outputs. 0-7: Standard, 8-15:Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R1_standard_analog_input_values std::vector
R1_tool_analog_input_values std::vector
R1_standard_analog_output_values std::vector
R1_tool_analog_output_values std::vector
R1_is_simulation_enabled bool
R1_collision_level int
R1_master_io_current unknown I/O current [A]
R1_euromap67_input_bits unknown Euromap67 input bits
R1_euromap67_output_bits unknown Euromap67 output bits
R1_euromap67_24V_voltage unknown Euromap 24V voltage [V]
R1_euromap67_24V_current unknown Euromap 24V current [A]
R1_tool_mode unknown Tool mode Please see Remote Control Via TCP/IP - 16496
R1_tool_output_mode unknown The current output mode
R1_tool_output_voltage unknown Tool output voltage [V]
R1_tool_output_current unknown Tool current [A]
R1_tool_voltage_48V unknown
R1_tool_current unknown
R1_tool_temperature unknown Tool temperature in degrees Celsius
R1_actual_tool_accelerometer unknown Tool x, y and z accelerometer values
R1_motion_progress unknown Trajectory running progress
R1_actual_qdd unknown Actual joint accelerations
R1_controlbox_humidity double Controbox humidity
R1_actual_tool_pose std::vector Actual Cartesian coordinates of the tool(without TCP)
R1_rtde_output_max int
R1_actual_TCP_force_sensor std::vector TCP force sensor
R1_fc_cond_fullfiled bool
R2_message RobotMsg Robot message from controller
R2_target_q std::vector Target joint positions
R2_target_qd std::vector Target joint velocities
R2_target_qdd std::vector Target joint accelerations
R2_target_current std::vector Target joint currents
R2_target_moment std::vector Target joint moments (torques)
R2_actual_q std::vector Actual joint positions
R2_actual_qd std::vector Actual joint velocities
R2_actual_current std::vector Actual joint currents
R2_joint_control_output std::vector Joint control currents
R2_joint_temperatures std::vector Temperature of each joint in degrees Celsius
R2_actual_joint_voltage std::vector Actual joint voltages
R2_joint_mode std::vector Joint control modes Please see Remote Control Via TCP/IP - 16496
R2_actual_execution_time double Controller real-time thread execution time
R2_robot_mode RobotModeType Robot mode Please see Remote Control Via TCP/IP - 16496
R2_safety_mode SafetyModeType Safety mode Please see Remote Control Via TCP/IP - 16496
R2_safety_status unknown Safety ststus
R2_robot_status_bits unknown Bits 0-3: Is power on Is program running Isteach button pressed Is power button pressed
R2_safety_status_bits unknown Bits 0-10: Is normal mode Is reduced mode Is protectivestopped Is recovery mode Is safeguard stopped Is systememergency stopped Is robot emergency stopped Is emergencystopped Is violation Is fault Is stopped due to safety
R2_speed_scaling double Speed scaling of the trajectory limiter
R2_target_speed_fraction double Target speed fraction
R2_actual_TCP_pose std::vector Actual Cartesian coordinates of the tool:(x,y,z,rx,ry,rz), where rx, ry and rz is a rotationvector representation of the tool orientation
R2_actual_TCP_speed std::vector Actual speed of the tool given in Cartesian coordinates
R2_actual_TCP_force std::vector Generalized forces in the TCP
R2_target_TCP_pose std::vector Target Cartesian coordinates of the tool:(x,y,z,rx,ry,rz), where rx, ry and rz is a rotationvector representation of the tool orientation
R2_target_TCP_speed std::vector Target speed of the tool given in Cartesian coordinates
R2_elbow_position std::vector Position of robot elbow in Cartesian Base Coordinates
R2_elbow_velocity std::vector Velocity of robot elbow in Cartesian Base Coordinates
R2_actual_momentum std::vector Norm of Cartesian linear momentum
R2_tcp_force_scalar std::vector TCP force scalar [N]
R2_future_path_points std::vector> Get future path points joint
R2_actual_main_voltage unknown Safety Control Board: Main voltage
R2_actual_robot_voltage unknown Safety Control Board: Robot voltage (48V)
R2_actual_robot_current unknown Safety Control Board: Robot current
R2_joint_torque_sensor std::vector Joint torque sensor
R2_operationalModeSelectorInput OperationalModeType Current state of the operational mode selector input
R2_threePositionEnablingDeviceInput unknown
R2_masterboard_temperature unknown
R2_standard_digital_input_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital inputs. 0-7:Standard, 8-15: Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R2_tool_digital_input_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital inputs. 0-7:Standard, 8-15: Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R2_configurable_digital_input_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital inputs. 0-7:Standard, 8-15: Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R2_link_digital_input_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital inputs. 0-7:Standard, 8-15: Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R2_standard_digital_output_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital outputs. 0-7: Standard, 8-15:Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R2_tool_digital_output_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital outputs. 0-7: Standard, 8-15:Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R2_configurable_digital_output_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital outputs. 0-7: Standard, 8-15:Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R2_link_digital_output_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital outputs. 0-7: Standard, 8-15:Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R2_standard_analog_input_values std::vector
R2_tool_analog_input_values std::vector
R2_standard_analog_output_values std::vector
R2_tool_analog_output_values std::vector
R2_is_simulation_enabled bool
R2_collision_level int
R2_master_io_current unknown I/O current [A]
R2_euromap67_input_bits unknown Euromap67 input bits
R2_euromap67_output_bits unknown Euromap67 output bits
R2_euromap67_24V_voltage unknown Euromap 24V voltage [V]
R2_euromap67_24V_current unknown Euromap 24V current [A]
R2_tool_mode unknown Tool mode Please see Remote Control Via TCP/IP - 16496
R2_tool_output_mode unknown The current output mode
R2_tool_output_voltage unknown Tool output voltage [V]
R2_tool_output_current unknown Tool current [A]
R2_tool_voltage_48V unknown
R2_tool_current unknown
R2_tool_temperature unknown Tool temperature in degrees Celsius
R2_actual_tool_accelerometer unknown Tool x, y and z accelerometer values
R2_motion_progress unknown Trajectory running progress
R2_actual_qdd unknown Actual joint accelerations
R2_controlbox_humidity double Controbox humidity
R2_actual_tool_pose std::vector Actual Cartesian coordinates of the tool(without TCP)
R2_rtde_output_max int
R2_actual_TCP_force_sensor std::vector TCP force sensor
R2_fc_cond_fullfiled bool
R3_message RobotMsg Robot message from controller
R3_target_q std::vector Target joint positions
R3_target_qd std::vector Target joint velocities
R3_target_qdd std::vector Target joint accelerations
R3_target_current std::vector Target joint currents
R3_target_moment std::vector Target joint moments (torques)
R3_actual_q std::vector Actual joint positions
R3_actual_qd std::vector Actual joint velocities
R3_actual_current std::vector Actual joint currents
R3_joint_control_output std::vector Joint control currents
R3_joint_temperatures std::vector Temperature of each joint in degrees Celsius
R3_actual_joint_voltage std::vector Actual joint voltages
R3_joint_mode std::vector Joint control modes Please see Remote Control Via TCP/IP - 16496
R3_actual_execution_time double Controller real-time thread execution time
R3_robot_mode RobotModeType Robot mode Please see Remote Control Via TCP/IP - 16496
R3_safety_mode SafetyModeType Safety mode Please see Remote Control Via TCP/IP - 16496
R3_safety_status unknown Safety ststus
R3_robot_status_bits unknown Bits 0-3: Is power on Is program running Isteach button pressed Is power button pressed
R3_safety_status_bits unknown Bits 0-10: Is normal mode Is reduced mode Is protectivestopped Is recovery mode Is safeguard stopped Is systememergency stopped Is robot emergency stopped Is emergencystopped Is violation Is fault Is stopped due to safety
R3_speed_scaling double Speed scaling of the trajectory limiter
R3_target_speed_fraction double Target speed fraction
R3_actual_TCP_pose std::vector Actual Cartesian coordinates of the tool:(x,y,z,rx,ry,rz), where rx, ry and rz is a rotationvector representation of the tool orientation
R3_actual_TCP_speed std::vector Actual speed of the tool given in Cartesian coordinates
R3_actual_TCP_force std::vector Generalized forces in the TCP
R3_target_TCP_pose std::vector Target Cartesian coordinates of the tool:(x,y,z,rx,ry,rz), where rx, ry and rz is a rotationvector representation of the tool orientation
R3_target_TCP_speed std::vector Target speed of the tool given in Cartesian coordinates
R3_elbow_position std::vector Position of robot elbow in Cartesian Base Coordinates
R3_elbow_velocity std::vector Velocity of robot elbow in Cartesian Base Coordinates
R3_actual_momentum std::vector Norm of Cartesian linear momentum
R3_tcp_force_scalar std::vector TCP force scalar [N]
R3_future_path_points std::vector> Get future path points joint
R3_actual_main_voltage unknown Safety Control Board: Main voltage
R3_actual_robot_voltage unknown Safety Control Board: Robot voltage (48V)
R3_actual_robot_current unknown Safety Control Board: Robot current
R3_joint_torque_sensor std::vector Joint torque sensor
R3_operationalModeSelectorInput OperationalModeType Current state of the operational mode selector input
R3_threePositionEnablingDeviceInput unknown
R3_masterboard_temperature unknown
R3_standard_digital_input_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital inputs. 0-7:Standard, 8-15: Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R3_tool_digital_input_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital inputs. 0-7:Standard, 8-15: Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R3_configurable_digital_input_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital inputs. 0-7:Standard, 8-15: Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R3_link_digital_input_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital inputs. 0-7:Standard, 8-15: Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R3_standard_digital_output_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital outputs. 0-7: Standard, 8-15:Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R3_tool_digital_output_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital outputs. 0-7: Standard, 8-15:Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R3_configurable_digital_output_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital outputs. 0-7: Standard, 8-15:Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R3_link_digital_output_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital outputs. 0-7: Standard, 8-15:Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R3_standard_analog_input_values std::vector
R3_tool_analog_input_values std::vector
R3_standard_analog_output_values std::vector
R3_tool_analog_output_values std::vector
R3_is_simulation_enabled bool
R3_collision_level int
R3_master_io_current unknown I/O current [A]
R3_euromap67_input_bits unknown Euromap67 input bits
R3_euromap67_output_bits unknown Euromap67 output bits
R3_euromap67_24V_voltage unknown Euromap 24V voltage [V]
R3_euromap67_24V_current unknown Euromap 24V current [A]
R3_tool_mode unknown Tool mode Please see Remote Control Via TCP/IP - 16496
R3_tool_output_mode unknown The current output mode
R3_tool_output_voltage unknown Tool output voltage [V]
R3_tool_output_current unknown Tool current [A]
R3_tool_voltage_48V unknown
R3_tool_current unknown
R3_tool_temperature unknown Tool temperature in degrees Celsius
R3_actual_tool_accelerometer unknown Tool x, y and z accelerometer values
R3_motion_progress unknown Trajectory running progress
R3_actual_qdd unknown Actual joint accelerations
R3_controlbox_humidity double Controbox humidity
R3_actual_tool_pose std::vector Actual Cartesian coordinates of the tool(without TCP)
R3_rtde_output_max int
R3_actual_TCP_force_sensor std::vector TCP force sensor
R3_fc_cond_fullfiled bool
R4_message RobotMsg Robot message from controller
R4_target_q std::vector Target joint positions
R4_target_qd std::vector Target joint velocities
R4_target_qdd std::vector Target joint accelerations
R4_target_current std::vector Target joint currents
R4_target_moment std::vector Target joint moments (torques)
R4_actual_q std::vector Actual joint positions
R4_actual_qd std::vector Actual joint velocities
R4_actual_current std::vector Actual joint currents
R4_joint_control_output std::vector Joint control currents
R4_joint_temperatures std::vector Temperature of each joint in degrees Celsius
R4_actual_joint_voltage std::vector Actual joint voltages
R4_joint_mode std::vector Joint control modes Please see Remote Control Via TCP/IP - 16496
R4_actual_execution_time double Controller real-time thread execution time
R4_robot_mode RobotModeType Robot mode Please see Remote Control Via TCP/IP - 16496
R4_safety_mode SafetyModeType Safety mode Please see Remote Control Via TCP/IP - 16496
R4_safety_status unknown Safety ststus
R4_robot_status_bits unknown Bits 0-3: Is power on Is program running Isteach button pressed Is power button pressed
R4_safety_status_bits unknown Bits 0-10: Is normal mode Is reduced mode Is protectivestopped Is recovery mode Is safeguard stopped Is systememergency stopped Is robot emergency stopped Is emergencystopped Is violation Is fault Is stopped due to safety
R4_speed_scaling double Speed scaling of the trajectory limiter
R4_target_speed_fraction double Target speed fraction
R4_actual_TCP_pose std::vector Actual Cartesian coordinates of the tool:(x,y,z,rx,ry,rz), where rx, ry and rz is a rotationvector representation of the tool orientation
R4_actual_TCP_speed std::vector Actual speed of the tool given in Cartesian coordinates
R4_actual_TCP_force std::vector Generalized forces in the TCP
R4_target_TCP_pose std::vector Target Cartesian coordinates of the tool:(x,y,z,rx,ry,rz), where rx, ry and rz is a rotationvector representation of the tool orientation
R4_target_TCP_speed std::vector Target speed of the tool given in Cartesian coordinates
R4_elbow_position std::vector Position of robot elbow in Cartesian Base Coordinates
R4_elbow_velocity std::vector Velocity of robot elbow in Cartesian Base Coordinates
R4_actual_momentum std::vector Norm of Cartesian linear momentum
R4_tcp_force_scalar std::vector TCP force scalar [N]
R4_future_path_points std::vector> Get future path points joint
R4_actual_main_voltage unknown Safety Control Board: Main voltage
R4_actual_robot_voltage unknown Safety Control Board: Robot voltage (48V)
R4_actual_robot_current unknown Safety Control Board: Robot current
R4_joint_torque_sensor std::vector Joint torque sensor
R4_operationalModeSelectorInput OperationalModeType Current state of the operational mode selector input
R4_threePositionEnablingDeviceInput unknown
R4_masterboard_temperature unknown
R4_standard_digital_input_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital inputs. 0-7:Standard, 8-15: Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R4_tool_digital_input_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital inputs. 0-7:Standard, 8-15: Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R4_configurable_digital_input_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital inputs. 0-7:Standard, 8-15: Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R4_link_digital_input_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital inputs. 0-7:Standard, 8-15: Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R4_standard_digital_output_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital outputs. 0-7: Standard, 8-15:Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R4_tool_digital_output_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital outputs. 0-7: Standard, 8-15:Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R4_configurable_digital_output_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital outputs. 0-7: Standard, 8-15:Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R4_link_digital_output_bits uint64_t Current state of the digital outputs. 0-7: Standard, 8-15:Configurable, 16-17: Tool
R4_standard_analog_input_values std::vector
R4_tool_analog_input_values std::vector
R4_standard_analog_output_values std::vector
R4_tool_analog_output_values std::vector
R4_is_simulation_enabled bool
R4_collision_level int
R4_master_io_current unknown I/O current [A]
R4_euromap67_input_bits unknown Euromap67 input bits
R4_euromap67_output_bits unknown Euromap67 output bits
R4_euromap67_24V_voltage unknown Euromap 24V voltage [V]
R4_euromap67_24V_current unknown Euromap 24V current [A]
R4_tool_mode unknown Tool mode Please see Remote Control Via TCP/IP - 16496
R4_tool_output_mode unknown The current output mode
R4_tool_output_voltage unknown Tool output voltage [V]
R4_tool_output_current unknown Tool current [A]
R4_tool_voltage_48V unknown
R4_tool_current unknown
R4_tool_temperature unknown Tool temperature in degrees Celsius
R4_actual_tool_accelerometer unknown Tool x, y and z accelerometer values
R4_motion_progress unknown Trajectory running progress
R4_actual_qdd unknown Actual joint accelerations
R4_controlbox_humidity double Controbox humidity
R4_actual_tool_pose std::vector Actual Cartesian coordinates of the tool(without TCP)
R4_rtde_output_max int
R4_actual_TCP_force_sensor std::vector TCP force sensor
R4_fc_cond_fullfiled bool

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