Aubo Sdk Error Code


  • JNT: joint
  • PDL: pedstral
  • TP: teach pendant
  • COMM: communication
  • ENC: encoder
  • CURR: current
  • POS: position
  • PKG: package
  • PROG: program


错误名称 错误码 说明 建议
DEBUG 0 Debug message {} suggest...
POPUP 1 {} suggest...
POPUP_DISMISS 2 {} suggest...
SYSTEM_HALT 3 {} suggest...
INV_ARGUMENTS 4 Invalid arguments. suggest...
JOINT_ERR_OVER_CURRENET 10001 joint{} error: over current (a) Check for short circuit. (b) Do a Complete rebooting sequence. (c) If this happens more than two times in a row, replace joint
JOINT_ERR_OVER_VOLTAGE 10002 joint{} error: over voltage (a) Do a Complete rebooting sequence. (b) Check 48 V Power supply, current distributer, energy eater and Control Board for issues
JOINT_ERR_LOW_VOLTAGE 10003 joint{} error: low voltage (a) Do a Complete rebooting sequence. (b) Check for short circuit in robot arm. (c) Check 48 V Power supply, current distributer, energy eater and Control Board for issues
JOINT_ERR_OVER_TEMP 10004 joint{} error: over temperature (a) Check robot’s environment and make sure the robot is operating within recommended limits. (b) Do a Complete rebooting sequence
JOINT_ERR_HALL 10005 joint{} error: hall suggest...
JOINT_ERR_ENCODER 10006 joint{} error: encoder Check encoder connections
JOINT_ERR_ABS_ENCODER 10007 joint{} error: abs encoder suggest...
JOINT_ERR_Q_CURRENT 10008 joint{} error: detect current suggest...
JOINT_ERR_ENC_POLL 10009 joint{} error: encoder pollustion suggest...
JOINT_ERR_ENC_Z_SIGNAL 10010 joint{} error: enocder z signal suggest...
JOINT_ERR_ENC_CAL 10011 joint{} error: encoder calibrate suggest...
JOINT_ERR_IMU_SENS 10012 joint{} error: IMU sensor suggest...
JOINT_ERR_TEMP_SENS 10013 joint{} error: TEMP sensor suggest...
JOINT_ERR_CAN_BUS 10014 joint{} error: can bus error suggest...
JOINT_ERR_SYS_CUR 10015 joint{} error: system current error suggest...
JOINT_ERR_SYS_POS 10016 joint{} error: system position error suggest...
JOINT_ERR_OVER_SP 10017 joint{} error: over speed suggest...
JOINT_ERR_OVER_ACC 10018 joint{} error: over accelerate suggest...
JOINT_ERR_TRACE 10019 joint{} error: trace accuracy suggest...
JOINT_ERR_TAG_POS_OVER 10020 joint{} error: target position out of range suggest...
JOINT_ERR_TAG_SP_OVER 10021 joint{} error: target speed out of range suggest...
JOINT_ERR_COLLISION 10022 joint{} error: collision suggest...
TOOL_FLASH_VERIFY_FAILED 2010001 Flash write verify failed suggest...
TOOL_PROGRAM_CRC_FAILED 2010002 Program flash checksum failed during bootloading suggest...
TOOL_PROGRAM_CRC_FAILED2 2010003 Program flash checksum failed at runtime suggest...
TOOL_ID_UNDIFINED 2010004 Tool ID is undefined suggest...
TOOL_ILLEGAL_BL_CMD 2010005 Illegal bootloader command suggest...
TOOL_FW_WRONG 2010006 Wrong firmware at the joint suggest...
TOOL_HW_INVALID 2010007 Invalid hardware revision suggest...
TOOL_SHORT_CURCUIT_H 2020001 Short circuit detected on Digital Output: {} high side suggest...
TOOL_SHORT_CURCUIT_L 2020002 Short circuit detected on Digital Output: {} low side suggest...
TOOL_AVERAGE_CURR_HIGH 2020003 10 second Average tool IO Current of {} A is outside of the allowed range. suggest...
TOOL_POWER_PIN_OVER_CURR 2020004 Current of {} A on the POWER pin is outside of the allowed range. suggest...
TOOL_DOUT_PIN_OVER_CURR 2020005 Current of {} A on the Digital Output pins is outside of the allowed range. suggest...
TOOL_GROUND_PIN_OVER_CURR 2020006 Current of {} A on the ground pin is outside of the allowed range. suggest...
TOOL_RX_FRAMING 2030001 RX framing error suggest...
TOOL_RX_PARITY 2030002 RX Parity error suggest...
TOOL_48V_LOW 2040001 48V input is too low suggest...
TOOL_48V_HIGH 2040002 48V input is too high suggest...
PEDSTRAL_PKG_LOST 3010001 Lost package from pedstral suggest...
IFB_ERR_ROBOTTYPE 20001 robot error type! 机械臂类型错误 suggest...
IFB_ERR_ADXL_SENS 20002 adxl sensor error! 加速度计芯片错误 suggest...
IFB_ERR_EN_LINE 20003 encoder line error! 编码器线数错误 suggest...
IFB_ERR_ENTER_HDG_MODE 20004 robot enter hdg mode! 进入拖动示教模式错误 suggest...
IFB_ERR_EXIT_HDG_MODE 20005 robot exit hdg mode! 退出拖动示教模式错误 suggest...
IFB_ERR_MAC_DATA_BREAK 20006 mac data break! MAC数据中断错误 suggest...
IFB_ERR_DRV_FIRMWARE_VERSION 20007 driver firmware version error! 驱动器版本错误(关节固件版本不一致) suggest...
INIT_ERR_EN_DRV 20008 driver enable failed! 机械臂初始化使能驱动器失败 suggest...
INIT_ERR_EN_AUTO_BACK 20009 driver enable auto back failed! 机械臂初始化使能自动回应失败 suggest...
INIT_ERR_EN_CUR_LOOP 20010 driver enable current loop failed! 机械臂初始化使能电流环失败 suggest...
INIT_ERR_SET_TAG_CUR 20011 driver set target current failed! 机械臂初始化设置目标电流失败 suggest...
INIT_ERR_RELEASE_BRAKE 20012 driver release brake failed! 机械臂初始化释放刹车失败 suggest...
INIT_ERR_EN_POS_LOOP 20013 driver enable postion loop failed! 机械臂初始化使能位置环失败 suggest...
INIT_ERR_SET_MAX_ACC 20014 set max accelerate failed! 机械臂初始化设置最大加速度失败 suggest...
SAFETY_ERR_PROTECTION_STOP_TIMEOUT 20015 protection stop timeout! 机械臂保护停止超时 suggest...
SAFETY_ERR_REDUCED_MODE_TIMEOUT 20016 reduced mode timeout! 机械臂减速模式超时 suggest...
SYS_ERR_MCU_COM 20017 robot system error:mcu communication error! suggest...
SYS_ERR_RS485_COM 20018 robot system error:RS485 communication error! suggest...
IFB_ERR_DISCONNECTED 20019 Interface board may be disconnected. Please check connection between IPC and Interface board. suggest...
IFB_ERR_PAYLOAD_ERROR 20020 Payload error. suggest...
HW_SCB_SETUP_FAILED 5010001 Setup of Safety Control Board failed suggest...
HW_PKG_CNT_DISAGEE 5010002 Packet counter disagreements suggest...
HW_SCB_DISCONNECT 5010003 Connection to Safety Control Board lost suggest...
HW_SCB_PKG_LOST 5010004 Package lost from Safety Control Board suggest...
HW_SCB_CONN_INIT_FAILED 5010005 Ethernet connection initialization with Safety Control Board failed suggest...
HW_LOST_JOINT_PKG 5010006 Lost package from joint {} suggest...
HW_LOST_TOOL_PKG 5010007 Lost package from tool suggest...
HW_JOINT_PKG_CNT_DISAGREE 5010008 Packet counter disagreement in packet from joint {} suggest...
HW_TOOL_PKG_CNT_DISAGREE 5010009 Packet counter disagreement in packet from tool suggest...
HW_JOINTS_FAULT 5020001 {} joint entered the Fault State suggest...
HW_JOINTS_VIOLATION 5020002 {} joint entered the Violation State suggest...
HW_TP_FAULT 5020003 Teach Pendant entered the Fault State suggest...
HW_TP_VIOLATION 5020004 Teach Pendant entered the Violation State suggest...
HW_JOINT_MV_TOO_FAR 5030001 {} joint moved too far before robot entered RUNNING State suggest...
HW_JOINT_STOP_NOT_FAST 5030002 Joint Not stopping fast enough suggest...
HW_JOINT_MV_LIMIT 5030003 Joint moved more than allowable limit suggest...
HW_FT_SENSOR_DATA_INVALID 5040001 Force-Torque Sensor data invalid suggest...
HW_NO_FT_SENSOR 5040002 Force-Torque sensor is expected, but it cannot be detected suggest...
HW_FT_SENSOR_NOT_CALIB 5040003 Force-Torque sensor is detected but not calibrated suggest...
HW_RELEASE_BRAKE_FAILED 5050000 Robot was not able to brake release, see log for details suggest...
HW_OVERCURR_SHUTDOWN 5060000 Overcurrent shutdown suggest...
HW_ENERGEY_SURPLUS 5070000 Energy surplus shutdown suggest...
HW_IDLE_POWER_HIGH 5080000 Idle power consumption to high suggest...
ROBOT_BE_PULLING 30001 Something is pulling the robot. Please check TCP configuration,payload and mounting settings
PSTOP_ELBOW_POS 30002 Protective Stop: Elbow position close to safety plane limits. Please move robot Elbow joint away from the safety plane
PSTOP_STOP_TIME 30003 Protective Stop: Exceeding user safety settings for stopping time. (a) Check speeds and accelerations in the program (b) Check usage of TCP,payload and CoG correctly (c) Check external equipmentactivation if correctly set
PSTOP_STOP_DISTANCE 30004 Protective Stop: Exceeding user safety settings for stopping distance. (a) Check speeds and accelerations in the program (b) Check usage of TCP,payload and CoG correctly (c) Check external equipmentactivation if correctly set
PSTOP_CLAMP 30005 Protective Stop: Danger of clamping between the Robot’s lower arm and tool. (a) Check speeds and accelerations in the program (b) Check usage of TCP,payload and CoG correctly (c) Check external equipmentactivation if correctly set
PSTOP_POS_LIMIT 30006 Protective Stop: Position close to joint limits suggest...
PSTOP_ORI_LIMIT 30007 Protective Stop: Tool orientation close to limits suggest...
PSTOP_PLANE_LIMIT 30008 Protective Stop: Position close to safety plane limits suggest...
PSTOP_POS_DEVIATE 30009 Protective Stop: Position deviates from path Check payload, center of gravity and acceleration settings.
JOINT_CHK_PAYLOAD 30010 Joint {}: Check payload, center of gravity and acceleration settings. Log screen may contain additional information. suggest...
PSTOP_SINGULARITY 30011 Protective Stop: Position in singularity. Please use MoveJ or change the motion
PSTOP_CANNOT_MAINTAIN 30012 Protective Stop: Robot cannot maintain its position, check if payload is correct suggest...
PSTOP_WRONG_PAYLOAD 30013 Protective Stop: Wrong payload or mounting detected, or something is pushing the robot when entering Freedrive mode Verify that the TCP configuration and mounting in the used installation is correct
PSTOP_JOINT_COLLISION 30014 Protective Stop: Collision detected by joint Make sure no objects are in the path of the robot and resume the program
PSTOP_POS_DISAGREE 30015 Protective stop: The robot was powered off last time due to a joint position disagreement. (a) Verify that the robot position in the 3D graphics matches the real robot, to ensure that the encoders function before releasing the brakes. Stand back and monitor the robot performing its first program cycle as expected. (b) If the position is not correct, the robot must be repaired. In this case, click Power Off Robot. (c) If the position is correct, please tick the check box below the 3D graphics and click Robot Position Verified
PSTOP_LARGE_MOVE 30016 Protective stop: Large movement of the robot detected while it was powered off. The joints were moved while it was powered off, or the encoders do not function suggest...
TARGET_POS_SUDDEN_CHG 30017 Sudden change in target position suggest...
SUDDEN_STOP 30018 Sudden stop. To abort a motion, use "stopj" or "stopl" script commands to generate a smooth deceleration before using "wait". Avoid aborting motions between waypoints with blend”
ROBOT_STOP_ABNORMAL 30019 Robot has not stopped in the allowed reaction and braking time suggest...
PROG_INVALID_SETP 30020 Robot program resulted in invalid setpoint. Please review waypoints in the program
BLEND_INVALID_SETP 30021 Blending failed and resulted in an invalid setpoint. Try changing the blend radius or contact technical support
APPROACH_SINGULARITY 30022 Robot approaching singularity – Acceleration threshold failed. Review waypoints in the program, try using MoveJ instead of MoveL in the position close to singularity
TSPEED_UNMATCH_POS 30023 Target speed does not match target position suggest...
INCONSIS_TPOS_SPD 30024 Inconsistency between target position and speed suggest...
JOINT_TSPD_UNMATCH_POS 30025 Target joint speed does not match target joint position change – Joint {} suggest...
FIELDBUS_INPUT_DISCONN 30026 Fieldbus input disconnected. Please check fieldbus connections (RTDE, ModBus, EtherNet/IP and Profinet) or disable the fieldbus in the installation. Check RTDE watchdog feature. Check if a URCap is using this feature.
OPMODE_CHANGED 30027 Operational mode changed: {} suggest...
NO_KIN_CALIB 30028 No Kinematic Calibration found (calibration.conf file is either corrupt or missing). A new kinematics calibration may be needed if the robot needs to improve its kinematics, otherwise, ignore this message)
KIN_CALIB_UNMATCH_JOINT 30029 Kinematic Calibration for the robot does not match the joint(s). If moving a program from a different robot to this one, rekinematic calibrate the second robot to improve kinematics, otherwise ignore this message.
KIN_CALIB_UNMATCH_ROBOT 30030 Kinematic Calibration does not match the robot. Please check if the serial number of the robot arm matches the Control Box
JOINT_OFFSET_CHANGED 30031 Large movement of the robot detected while it was powered off. The joints were moved while it was powered off, or the encoders do not function suggest...
OFFSET_CHANGE_HIGH 30032 Change in offset is too high suggest...
JOINT_SPEED_LIMIT 30033 Close to joint speed safety limit. Review program speed and acceleration
TOOL_SPEED_LIMIT 30034 Close to tool speed safety limit. Review program speed and acceleration
MOMENTUM_LIMIT 30035 Close to momentum safety limit. Review program speed and acceleration
ROBOT_MV_STOP 30036 Robot is moving when in Stop Mode suggest...
HAND_PROTECTION 30037 Hand protection: Tool is too close to the lower arm: {} meter. (a) Check wrist position. (b) Verify mounting (c) Do a Complete rebooting sequence (d) Update software (e) Contact your local AUBO Robots service provider for assistance
WRONG_SAFETYMODE 30038 Wrong safety mode: {} suggest...
SAFETYMODE_CHANGED 30039 Safety mode changed: {} suggest...
JOINT_ACC_LIMIT 30040 Close to joint acceleration safety limit suggest...
TOOL_ACC_LIMIT 30041 Close to tool acceleration safety limit suggest...
JOINT_TEMPERATURE_LIMIT 30042 Joint {} temperature too high(>{}℃) suggest...
CONTROL_BOX_TEMPERATURE_LIMIT 30043 Control box temperature too high(>{}℃) suggest...
ROBOT_EMERGENCY_STOP 30044 Robot emergency stop suggest...
ROBOTMODE_CHANGED 30045 Robot mode changed: {} suggest...
ROBOTMODE_ERROR 30046 Wrong robot mode: {} suggest...
POSE_OUT_OF_REACH 30047 Target pose [{}] out of reach suggest...
TP_PLAN_FAILED 30048 Trajectory plan FAILED. suggest...
START_FORCE_FAILED 30049 Start force control failed, because force sensor does not exist. suggest...
OVER_SAFE_PLANE_LIMIT 30050 {} axis exceeds the safety plane limit (Move_type:{} id:{}). Please move the robot to the safety plane range.
POWERON_FAIL_VIOLATION 30051 Failed to power on because the robot safety mode is in violation suggest...
POWERON_FAIL_SYSTEMEMERGENCYSTOP 30052 Failed to power on because the robot safety mode is in system emergency stop suggest...
POWERON_FAIL_ROBOTEMERGENCYSTOP 30053 Failed to power on because the robot safety mode is in robot emergency stop Pop up the red emergency stop button on the teach pendant when the robot is in a safe range of motion
POWERON_FAIL_FAULT 30054 Failed to power on because the robot safety mode is in fault suggest...
STARTUP_FAIL_VIOLATION 30055 Failed to startup because the robot safety mode is in violation suggest...
STARTUP_FAIL_SYSTEMEMERGENCYSTOP 30056 Failed to startup because the robot safety mode is in system emergency stop suggest...
STARTUP_FAIL_ROBOTEMERGENCYSTOP 30057 Failed to startup because the robot safety mode is in robot emergency stop Pop up the red emergency stop button on the teach pendant when the robot is in a safe range of motion
STARTUP_FAIL_FAULT 30058 Failed to startup because the robot safety mode is in fault suggest...
BACKDRIVE_FAIL_VIOLATION 30059 Failed to backdrive because the robot safety mode is in violation suggest...
BACKDRIVE_FAIL_SYSTEMEMERGENCYSTOP 30060 Failed to backdrive because the robot safety mode is in system emergency stop suggest...
BACKDRIVE_FAIL_ROBOTEMERGENCYSTOP 30061 Failed to backdrive because the robot safety mode is in robot emergency stop Pop up the red emergency stop button on the teach pendant when the robot is in a safe range of motion
BACKDRIVE_FAIL_FAULT 30062 Failed to backdrive because the robot safety mode is in fault suggest...
SETSIM_FAIL_VIOLATION 30063 Switch sim mode failed because the robot safety mode is in violation suggest...
SETSIM_FAIL_SYSTEMEMERGENCYSTOP 30064 Switch sim mode failed because the robot safety mode is in system emergency stop suggest...
SETSIM_FAIL_ROBOTEMERGENCYSTOP 30065 Switch sim mode failed because the robot safety mode is in robot emergency stop Pop up the red emergency stop button on the teach pendant when the robot is in a safe range of motion
SETSIM_FAIL_FAULT 30066 Switch sim mode failed because the robot safety mode is in fault suggest...
FREEDRIVE_FAIL_VIOLATION 30067 Enable handguide mode failed because the robot safety mode is in violation suggest...
FREEDRIVE_FAIL_SYSTEMEMERGENCYSTOP 30068 Enable handguide mode failed because the robot safety mode is in system emergency stop suggest...
FREEDRIVE_FAIL_ROBOTEMERGENCYSTOP 30069 Enable handguide mode failed because the robot safety mode is in robot emergency stop Pop up the red emergency stop button on the teach pendant when the robot is in a safe range of motion
FREEDRIVE_FAIL_FAULT 30070 Enable handguide mode failed because the robot safety mode is in fault suggest...
UPFIRMWARE_FAIL_VIOLATION 30071 Firmware update failed because the robot safety mode is in violation suggest...
UPFIRMWARE_FAIL_SYSTEMEMERGENCYSTOP 30072 Firmware update failed because the robot safety mode is in system emergency stop suggest...
UPFIRMWARE_FAIL_ROBOTEMERGENCYSTOP 30073 Firmware update failed because the robot safety mode is in robot emergency stop Pop up the red emergency stop button on the teach pendant when the robot is in a safe range of motion
UPFIRMWARE_FAIL_FAULT 30074 Firmware update failed because the robot safety mode is in fault suggest...
SETPERSOSTENT_FAIL_VIOLATION 30075 Set persistent parameter failed because the robot safety mode is in violation suggest...
SETPERSOSTENT_FAIL_SYSTEMEMERGENCYSTOP 30076 Set persistent parameter failed because the robot safety mode is in system emergency stop suggest...
SETPERSOSTENT_FAIL_ROBOTEMERGENCYSTOP 30077 Set persistent parameter failed because the robot safety mode is in robot emergency stop Pop up the red emergency stop button on the teach pendant when the robot is in a safe range of motion
SETPERSOSTENT_FAIL_FAULT 30078 Set persistent parameter failed because the robot safety mode is in fault suggest...
SETPERSOSTENT_FAIL_PARAM_ERR 30079 Set persistent parameter failed (a) Check the parameter format, whether all are floating point numbers
ROBOT_CABLE_DISCONN 30080 Robot cable not connected (a) Make sure the cable between Control Box and Robot Arm is correctly connected and it has no damage. (b) Check for loose connections (c) Do a Complete rebooting sequence (d) Update software (e) Contact your local AUBO Robots service provider for assistance Contact your local AUBO Robots service provider for assistance.
TP_TOO_SHORT 30081 The generated trajectory is ignored because it is too short (a) Please check if the added waypoints are coincident (b) If it is an arc movement, please check whether the three points are collinear
INV_KIN_FAIL 30082 Inverse kinematics solution failed. The target pose may be in a singular position or exceed the joint limits (a) Change the target pose and try moving again
FREEDRIVE_ENABLED 30083 Freedrive status changed to {} suggest...
TP_INV_FAIL_REFERENCE_JOINT_OUT_OF_LIMIT 30084 Inverse kinematics solution failed. Reference angle [{}] exceeds joint limit [{}]. suggest...
TP_INV_FAIL_NO_SOLUTION 30085 Inverse kinematics solution failed. The reference angle [{}] and the target angle [{}] are used as parameters. there is no solution in the calculation of the inverse solution process. suggest...
SERVO_FAIL_VIOLATION 30086 Switch servo mode failed because the robot safety mode is in violation suggest...
SERVO_FAIL_SYSTEMEMERGENCYSTOP 30087 Switch servo mode failed because the robot safety mode is in system emergency stop suggest...
SERVO_FAIL_ROBOTEMERGENCYSTOP 30088 Switch servo mode failed because the robot safety mode is in robot emergency stop Pop up the red emergency stop button on the teach pendant when the robot is in a safe range of motion
SERVO_FAIL_FAULT 30089 Switch servo mode failed because the robot safety mode is in fault suggest...
FREEDRIVE_FAIL_NO_RUNNING 30090 Enable handguide mode failed because the robot mode type is {}(not running) suggest...
RUNTIME_MACHINE_ERROR 30091 The state of the running machine is {}, not {}. {} function execution failed because the state is wrong. suggest...
RESUME_FAR_PAUSE_PT 30092 Cannot resume from joint position [{}].\nToo far away from paused point [{}]. suggest...
PAYLOAD_LIGHTER_ERROR 30093 The payload setting is too small! suggest...
PAYLOAD_OVERLOAD_ERROR 30094 The payload setting is too large! suggest...
PAUSE_FAIL_NOT_POSITION_PLAN_MODE 30095 This motion does not support the pause function. The motion is stopping. suggest...
TP_PLAN_FAILED_CIRCULAR_WAYPOINTS_COINCIDE 30096 The planning failed because the three waypoints of the arc were determined to coincide. Check the circular waypoints to make sure they are different.
SERVO_WRONG_SAFETYMODE 30097 Switch servo mode failed because the robot safety mode is in {}. Check the circular waypoints to make sure they are different.
SET_PERSTPARAM_WRONG_SAFETYMODE 30098 Set persistent parameter failed because the robot safety mode is in {} suggest...
SET_KINPARAM_WRONG_SAFETYMODE 30099 Set Kinematics Compensate parameters failed because the robot safety mode is in {} suggest...
SET_ROBOT_ZERO_WRONG_SAFETYMODE 30100 Set current joint angles to zero failed because the robot safety mode is in {} suggest...
UPFIRMWARE_WRONG_SAFETYMODE 30101 Firmware update failed because the robot safety mode is in {} suggest...
POWERON_WRONG_SAFETYMODE 30102 Failed to power on because the robot safety mode is in {} suggest...
STARTUP_WRONG_SAFETYMODE 30103 Failed to startup because the robot safety mode is in {} suggest...
BACKDRIVE_WRONG_SAFETYMODE 30104 Failed to backdrive because the robot safety mode is in system emergency stop suggest...
SETSIM_WRONG_SAFETYMODE 30105 Switch sim mode failed because the robot safety mode is in violation suggest...
FREEDRIVE_WRONG_SAFETYMODE 30106 Enable handguide mode failed because the robot safety mode is in wrong safety mode: {} suggest...
TP_PLAN_FAILED_JOINT_JUMP_BIGGER 30107 Inverse kinematics solution failed. The target point and the current point are in different robot configuration spaces. Add a few more points between the target point and the current point.
RUN_PROGRAM_FAILED 30108 Run program {} failed. suggset...
ROBOT_TYPE_CHANGED 30200 Robot type changed to '{}', and robot subtype changed to '{}' suggest...
LINKMODE_CHANGED 30201 Link mode changed to {} suggest...
ARCS_MAX_ERROR_CODE -1 Max error code suggest...

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