AuboCaps  0.6.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
12 namespace arcs {
13 namespace aubo_scope {
14 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD(GripperContribution);
16 /**
17  * <p>
18  * This interface defines an API for adding functionality for gripping devices
19  * to AuboScope.
20  * </p>
21  *
22  * <p>
23  * Implementing this interface will create a program node contribution, an
24  * installation contribution and a toolbar contribution exposing gripper
25  * functionality to the end user. Note that the toolbar contribution is not
26  * supported on CB3 robots.
27  * </p>
28  *
29  * <p>
30  * The program node contribution allows the end user to program grip and release
31  * actions. The configuration options available to the end user are based on the
32  * properties and capabilities supported by the gripper. As a minimum, all
33  * grippers must support "default" grip and release actions. All other
34  * capabilities are optional to support and can be registered when the {@link
35  * GripperContribution#configureGripper(GripperConfiguration,
36  * GripperAPIProvider)} method is called.
37  * </p>
38  *
39  * <p>
40  * The installation node contribution can be used, if any custom input from the
41  * end user is required to setup the gripper, e.g. specifying an IP address. The
42  * corresponding generated UI will be accessible in the installation node. This
43  * functionality is optional, since such configuration properties are specific
44  * for each gripper. Access to create a custom configuration based on user
45  * inputs is provided when the method
46  * {@link
47  * GripperContribution#configureInstallation(CustomUserInputConfiguration,
48  * SystemConfiguration, TCPConfiguration, GripperAPIProvider)} is called. If no
49  * custom user inputs, texts, etc. are defined, the installation node will not
50  * be visible in AuboScope. Preamble script code (generated by {@link
51  * #generatePreambleScript(ScriptWriter)}) will still be added to the robot
52  * program.
53  * </p>
54  *
55  * <p>
56  * The toolbar contribution provides the end user quick access to perform grip
57  * and release actions using "default" gripper action parameters.
58  * </p>
59  */
61 {
62 public:
63  virtual ~GripperContribution() = default;
65  /**
66  * This method must return the title of the gripper contribution. The title
67  * is displayed in: <ul> <li>The Structure section of the Program Tab for
68  * this type of gripper program node (from which the Gripper program node
69  * can be inserted)</li> <li>The program node screen for this gripper
70  * contribution.</li> <li>The Program Tree as title for the program node for
71  * this gripper contribution</li> <li>The left-hand side navigation of the
72  * Installation Tab for this gripper contribution.</li> <li>The installation
73  * node screen for this gripper contribution.</li> <li>The toolbar
74  * contribution for this gripper. Note: The toolbar contribution is not
75  * available on CB3 robots.</li>
76  * </ul>
77  *
78  * <p>
79  * The return value of this method cannot be <code>null</code> nor an empty
80  * string.
81  * </p>
82  *
83  * This method is called once upon startup.
84  *
85  * @param locale The current locale of AuboScope. Can be used for supporting
86  * titles in several languages.
87  * @return The title of this gripper contribution, not <code>null</code> nor
88  * an empty string.
89  */
90  virtual std::string getTitle(/*Locale locale*/) = 0;
92  /**
93  * <p>
94  * When this method is called, use the configuration parameter to register
95  * or setup optional properties and capabilities of the gripper.
96  * </p>
97  *
98  * <p>
99  * The method is called in the Gripper Configuration phase after this
100  * contribution has been registered when a new installation is loaded or
101  * created.
102  * </p>
103  *
104  * <b>Note:</b> If the gripper only supports basic "default" grip and
105  * release actions, leave the implementation of this method empty.
106  *
107  * @param gripperConfiguration A configuration instance that can be used for
108  * registering or setting up the properties and capabilities of the gripper.
109  * @param apiProvider Provides access to functionality and services
110  * available from within AuboScope which can be relevant for setting up the
111  * gripper capabilities (e.g. the {@link SystemAPI} interface with
112  * functionality for querying information about the robot).
113  */
114  virtual void configureGripper(GripperConfigurationPtr gripperConfiguration,
115  GripperApiProviderPtr apiProvider) = 0;
117  /**
118  * <p>
119  * When this method is called, the script code for performing a grip action
120  *with the gripper must be generated.
121  * </p>
122  *
123  * <p>
124  * The parameters for the registered optional gripper capabilities
125  *defined/configured by the end user are provided as input to the script
126  *generation.
127  * </p>
128  *
129  * <p>
130  * The method is called in the following scenarios:
131  * <ul>
132  * <li> When the script code for a gripper program node configured with
133  *a grip action should be generated as part of a robot program to be
134  *executed </li> <li> When the end user tests a grip configuration of a
135  *gripper program node </li> <li> When the gripper is operated using the
136  *toolbar </li>
137  * </ul>
138  * </p>
139  *
140  * <b>NOTE:</b>
141  * <ul>
142  * <li> Applying a new total payload after an object has been gripped is
143  *<b>not</b> the responsibility of the gripper, since this is automatically
144  *handled by AuboScope. </li> <li> <p> When the end user has specified a new
145  *payload (in the Gripper program node or toolbar), the user-defined payload
146  *value will be applied by AuboScope immediately after the generated script
147  *code for the grip action has finished executing. Hence the script code
148  *should not finish earlier than when it is appropriate to apply the new
149  *payload value (i.e. when the object has been gripped). This typically
150  *means that the script code should wait a time period corresponding to
151  *closing the gripper's "fingers" fully (if the gripper is vacuum operated
152  *then long enough to achieve some level of vacuum).
153  * </p>
154  *
155  * <p>
156  * If the grip detected feedback capability has been registered (using
157  * {@link
158  *GripperFeedbackCapabilities#registerGripDetectedCapability(ScriptCodeGenerator)}),
159  *different script code should be generated depending on whether the end
160  *user has enabled or disabled the grip detection option (in the Gripper
161  *program node). For more details, see Javadoc for
162  * {@link GripActionParameters#isGripDetectionEnabled()}.
163  * </p>
164  * </li>
165  * </ul>
166  *
167  * @param scriptWriter Use this script writer instance to generate the
168  *script code for gripping
169  * @param parameters The parameters for the gripper action
170  *defined/configured by the end user
171  */
172  virtual void generateGripActionScript(
173  ScriptWriterPtr scriptWriter, GripActionParametersPtr parameters) = 0;
175  /**
176  * <p>
177  * When this method is called, the script code for performing a release
178  *action with the gripper must be generated.
179  * </p>
180  *
181  * <p>
182  * The parameters for the registered optional gripper capabilities
183  *defined/configured by the end user are provided as input to the script
184  *generation.
185  * </p>
186  *
187  * <p>
188  * The method is called in the following scenarios:
189  * <ul>
190  * <li> When the script code for a gripper program node configured with
191  *a release action should be generated as part of a robot program to be
192  *executed </li> <li> When the end user tests a release configuration of a
193  *gripper program node </li> <li> When the gripper is operated using the
194  *toolbar </li>
195  * </ul>
196  * </p>
197  *
198  * <b>NOTE:</b>
199  * <ul>
200  * <li> Applying a new total payload after an object has been released is
201  *<b>not</b> the responsibility of the gripper, since this is automatically
202  *handled by AuboScope. </li> <li> <p> When the end user has specified a new
203  *payload (in the Gripper program node or toolbar), the user-defined payload
204  *value will be applied by AuboScope immediately after the generated script
205  *code for the release action has finished executing. Hence the script code
206  *should not finish earlier than when it is appropriate to apply the new
207  *payload value (i.e. when the object has been released). This typically
208  *means that the script code should wait a time period corresponding to
209  *opening the gripper's "fingers" fully (if the gripper is vacuum operated
210  *then long enough to achieve some level of vacuum).
211  * </p>
212  *
213  * <p>
214  * If the release detected feedback capability has been registered
215  *(using
216  * {@link
217  *GripperFeedbackCapabilities#registerReleaseDetectedCapability(ScriptCodeGenerator)}),
218  *different script code should be generated depending on whether the end
219  *user has enabled or disabled the release detection option (in the Gripper
220  *program node). For more details, see Javadoc for
221  * {@link ReleaseActionParameters#isReleaseDetectionEnabled()}.
222  * </p>
223  * </li>
224  * </ul>
225  *
226  * @param scriptWriter Use this script writer instance to generate the
227  *script code for releasing the gripper
228  * @param parameters The parameters for the gripper action
229  *defined/configured by the end user
230  */
231  virtual void generateReleaseActionScript(
232  ScriptWriterPtr scriptWriter,
233  ReleaseActionParametersPtr parameters) = 0;
234 };
235 } // namespace aubo_scope
236 } // namespace arcs
237 #endif
virtual void generateReleaseActionScript(ScriptWriterPtr scriptWriter, ReleaseActionParametersPtr parameters)=0
virtual std::string getTitle()=0
This method must return the title of the gripper contribution.
virtual void configureGripper(GripperConfigurationPtr gripperConfiguration, GripperApiProviderPtr apiProvider)=0
virtual void generateGripActionScript(ScriptWriterPtr scriptWriter, GripActionParametersPtr parameters)=0