12#include <aubo/global_config.h>
58namespace common_interface {
609 bool getBool(
const std::string &key,
bool default_value);
631 int setBool(
const std::string &key,
bool value);
655 const std::vector<char> &default_value);
678 int setVecChar(
const std::string &key,
const std::vector<char> &value);
700 int getInt32(
const std::string &key,
int default_value);
746 const std::vector<int32_t> &default_value);
769 int setVecInt32(
const std::string &key,
const std::vector<int32_t> &value);
792 float getFloat(
const std::string &key,
float default_value);
838 const std::vector<float> &default_value);
861 int setVecFloat(
const std::string &key,
const std::vector<float> &value);
884 double getDouble(
const std::string &key,
double default_value);
931 const std::vector<double> &default_value);
954 int setVecDouble(
const std::string &key,
const std::vector<double> &value);
977 const std::string &default_value);
999 int setString(
const std::string &key,
const std::string &value);
1137 int signal_address,
int signal_type,
1138 const std::string &signal_name,
bool sequential_mode);
1346 int slave_number,
int function_code,
1347 const std::vector<uint8_t> &data);
1380 const std::string &signal_name,
1399 const std::string &signal_name,
1457 uint16_t value,
double duration);
1488 int update_frequency);
1549 const std::string &signal_name);
1559 const std::string &key);
1575#define RegisterControl_DECLARES \
1576 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 1, getBoolInput, address) \
1577 _INST(RegisterControl, 2, setBoolInput, address, value) \
1578 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 1, getInt32Input, address) \
1579 _INST(RegisterControl, 2, setInt32Input, address, value) \
1580 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 1, getFloatInput, address) \
1581 _INST(RegisterControl, 2, setFloatInput, address, value) \
1582 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 1, getDoubleInput, address) \
1583 _INST(RegisterControl, 2, setDoubleInput, address, value) \
1584 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 1, getBoolOutput, address) \
1585 _INST(RegisterControl, 2, setBoolOutput, address, value) \
1586 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 1, getInt32Output, address) \
1587 _INST(RegisterControl, 2, setInt32Output, address, value) \
1588 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 1, getFloatOutput, address) \
1589 _INST(RegisterControl, 2, setFloatOutput, address, value) \
1590 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 1, getDoubleOutput, address) \
1591 _INST(RegisterControl, 2, setDoubleOutput, address, value) \
1592 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 1, getInt16Register, address) \
1593 _INST(RegisterControl, 2, setInt16Register, address, value) \
1594 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 2, variableUpdated, key, since) \
1595 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 1, hasNamedVariable, key) \
1596 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 1, getNamedVariableType, key) \
1597 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 2, getBool, key, default_value) \
1598 _INST(RegisterControl, 2, setBool, key, value) \
1599 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 2, getVecChar, key, default_value) \
1600 _INST(RegisterControl, 2, setVecChar, key, value) \
1601 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 2, getInt32, key, default_value) \
1602 _INST(RegisterControl, 2, setInt32, key, value) \
1603 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 2, getVecInt32, key, default_value) \
1604 _INST(RegisterControl, 2, setVecInt32, key, value) \
1605 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 2, getFloat, key, default_value) \
1606 _INST(RegisterControl, 2, setFloat, key, value) \
1607 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 2, getVecFloat, key, default_value) \
1608 _INST(RegisterControl, 2, setVecFloat, key, value) \
1609 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 2, getDouble, key, default_value) \
1610 _INST(RegisterControl, 2, setDouble, key, value) \
1611 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 2, getVecDouble, key, default_value) \
1612 _INST(RegisterControl, 2, setVecDouble, key, value) \
1613 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 2, getString, key, default_value) \
1614 _INST(RegisterControl, 2, setString, key, value) \
1615 _INST(RegisterControl, 1, clearNamedVariable, key) \
1616 _INST(RegisterControl, 3, setWatchDog, key, timeout, action) \
1617 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 1, getWatchDogAction, key) \
1618 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 1, getWatchDogTimeout, key) \
1619 _INST(RegisterControl, 6, modbusAddSignal, device_info, slave_number, signal_address, signal_type, signal_name, sequential_mode) \
1620 _INST(RegisterControl, 1, modbusDeleteSignal, signal_name) \
1621 _INST(RegisterControl, 0, modbusDeleteAllSignals) \
1622 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 1, modbusGetSignalStatus, signal_name) \
1623 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 0, modbusGetSignalNames) \
1624 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 0, modbusGetSignalTypes) \
1625 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 0, modbusGetSignalValues) \
1626 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 0, modbusGetSignalErrors) \
1627 _INST(RegisterControl, 4, modbusSendCustomCommand, IP, slave_number, function_code, data) \
1628 _INST(RegisterControl, 3, modbusSetDigitalInputAction, robot_name, signal_name, action) \
1629 _INST(RegisterControl, 3, modbusSetOutputRunstate, robot_name, signal_name, runstate) \
1630 _INST(RegisterControl, 2, modbusSetOutputSignal, signal_name, value) \
1631 _INST(RegisterControl, 3, modbusSetOutputSignalPulse, signal_name, value, duration) \
1632 _INST(RegisterControl, 2, modbusSetSignalUpdateFrequency, signal_name, update_frequency) \
1633 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 1, modbusGetSignalIndex, signal_name) \
1634 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 1, modbusGetSignalError, signal_name) \
1635 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 1, getModbusDeviceStatus, device_name) \
1636 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 3, addModbusEncoder, encoder_id, range_id, signal_name) \
1637 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 3, addInt32RegEncoder, encoder_id, range_id, key) \
1638 _FUNC(RegisterControl, 1, deleteVirtualEncoder, encoder_id)
float getFloatOutput(uint32_t address)
Reads the float from one of the output registers, which can also be accessed by a Field bus.
int setVecChar(const std::string &key, const std::vector< char > &value)
int getInt32Output(uint32_t address)
Reads the integer from one of the output registers, which can also be accessed by a Field bus.
int setBool(const std::string &key, bool value)
int deleteVirtualEncoder(int encoder_id)
int setVecFloat(const std::string &key, const std::vector< float > &value)
int setVecInt32(const std::string &key, const std::vector< int32_t > &value)
int getModbusDeviceStatus(const std::string &device_name)
获取指定 modbus 设备的连接状态
virtual ~RegisterControl()
bool getBoolInput(uint32_t address)
Reads the boolean from one of the input registers, which can also be accessed by a Field bus.
bool getBool(const std::string &key, bool default_value)
std::vector< double > getVecDouble(const std::string &key, const std::vector< double > &default_value)
int modbusDeleteAllSignals()
Delete all modbus signals
std::vector< int > modbusGetSignalErrors()
double getDoubleOutput(uint32_t address)
std::vector< int32_t > getVecInt32(const std::string &key, const std::vector< int32_t > &default_value)
int modbusGetSignalIndex(const std::string &signal_name)
获取指定 modbus 信号索引,从0开始,不能存在则返回-1
int setInt32(const std::string &key, int value)
std::vector< std::string > modbusGetSignalNames()
int modbusAddSignal(const std::string &device_info, int slave_number, int signal_address, int signal_type, const std::string &signal_name, bool sequential_mode)
Adds a new modbus signal for the controller to supervise.
int getWatchDogTimeout(const std::string &key)
int getInt32Input(uint32_t address)
Reads the integer from one of the input registers, which can also be accessed by a Field bus.
int setVecDouble(const std::string &key, const std::vector< double > &value)
int setInt16Register(uint32_t address, int16_t value)
float getFloatInput(uint32_t address)
Reads the float from one of the input registers, which can also be accessed by a Field bus.
bool hasNamedVariable(const std::string &key)
int getWatchDogAction(const std::string &key)
std::string getNamedVariableType(const std::string &key)
std::vector< int > modbusGetSignalTypes()
int16_t getInt16Register(uint32_t address)
用于 Modbus Slave
int setInt32Input(uint32_t address, int value)
int getInt32(const std::string &key, int default_value)
int modbusSetOutputSignal(const std::string &signal_name, uint16_t value)
Sets the output register signal identified by the given name to the given value.
int setString(const std::string &key, const std::string &value)
int modbusGetSignalError(const std::string &signal_name)
获取指定 modbus 信号的错误状态
int setFloat(const std::string &key, float value)
int setDouble(const std::string &key, double value)
int setWatchDog(const std::string &key, double timeout, int action)
int modbusSetOutputRunstate(const std::string &robot_name, const std::string &signal_name, StandardOutputRunState runstate)
设置 Modbus 信号输出动作
int modbusSetOutputSignalPulse(const std::string &signal_name, uint16_t value, double duration)
double getDouble(const std::string &key, double default_value)
bool getBoolOutput(uint32_t address)
Reads the boolean from one of the output registers, which can also be accessed by a Field bus.
int setDoubleOutput(uint32_t address, double value)
int modbusSendCustomCommand(const std::string &device_info, int slave_number, int function_code, const std::vector< uint8_t > &data)
Sends a command specified by the user to the modbus unit located on the specified IP address.
bool variableUpdated(const std::string &key, uint64_t since)
std::vector< float > getVecFloat(const std::string &key, const std::vector< float > &default_value)
std::vector< int > modbusGetSignalValues()
int addInt32RegEncoder(int encoder_id, int range_id, const std::string &key)
std::string getString(const std::string &key, const std::string &default_value)
int modbusGetSignalStatus(const std::string &signal_name)
Reads the current value of a specific signal.
int addModbusEncoder(int encoder_id, int range_id, const std::string &signal_name)
将某个 modbus 寄存器信号作为编码器
double getDoubleInput(uint32_t address)
int clearNamedVariable(const std::string &key)
int modbusSetSignalUpdateFrequency(const std::string &signal_name, int update_frequency)
Sets the frequency with which the robot will send requests to the Modbus controller to either read or...
int setBoolInput(uint32_t address, bool value)
int setInt32Output(uint32_t address, int value)
int setFloatInput(uint32_t address, float value)
int setBoolOutput(uint32_t address, bool value)
int modbusDeleteSignal(const std::string &signal_name)
Deletes the signal identified by the supplied signal name.
int setDoubleInput(uint32_t address, double value)
int setFloatOutput(uint32_t address, float value)
int modbusSetDigitalInputAction(const std::string &robot_name, const std::string &signal_name, StandardInputAction action)
Sets the selected digital input signal to either a "default" or "freedrive" action.
std::vector< char > getVecChar(const std::string &key, const std::vector< char > &default_value)
float getFloat(const std::string &key, float default_value)
std::shared_ptr< RegisterControl > RegisterControlPtr
The StandardInputAction enum
MODBUS unit not initiallized
Specialized use in conjunction with programming commands sent to the remote MODBUS unit,...
The function code received in the query is not an allowable action for the server (or slave).
The function code received in the query is not an allowable action for the server (or slave),...
MODBUS unit disconnected
An unrecoverable error occurred while the server (or slave) was attempting to perform the requested a...
A value contained in the query data field is not an allowable value for server (or slave),...
Specialized use in conjunction with programming commands sent to the remote MODBUS unit.