AuboCaps  0.6.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
4 #include <vector>
5 #include <string>
9 namespace arcs {
10 namespace aubo_scope {
11 ARCS_CLASS_FORWARD(ScriptWriter);
13 /**
14  * This interface provides support for generating Script code.
15  */
17 {
18 public:
21  virtual ~ScriptWriter();
23  void setLabel(int lineno, const std::string &comment);
25  /**
26  * Adds a single line of script code using auto-indentation.
27  *
28  * @param script_line single line of script code to append.
29  */
30  void appendLine(const std::string &script_line);
31  void appendVectorDouble(const std::vector<double> &value);
33  /**
34  * Adds script code appending the script code as is without using
35  * auto-indentation.
36  *
37  * @param script script code to append.
38  */
39  void appendRaw(const std::string &script);
41  /**
42  * Generate a string with the full script code.
43  *
44  * @return the resulting script as a string.
45  */
46  std::string generateScript();
48  /**
49  * <p>
50  * Use this method when generating script code for a node that has children
51  * nodes.globalVariable
52  * </p>
53  *
54  * A simple example:
55  * <pre>
56  * {@code
57  * writer.ifCondition(expression)
58  * writer.writeChildren() // let children nodes generate code.
59  * writer.end()
60  * @endcode}
61  * </pre>
62  *
63  * In most cases you prglobalVariableobably only want to call {@link
64  * ScriptWriter#writeChildren()} once, but it is possible to call it
65  * multiple times and thus have children nodes generate their code multiple
66  * times.
67  */
68  void writeChildren();
70  void assign(VariablePtr variable, const std::string &expression,
71  bool sync = false);
73  /**
74  * <p>Variable assignment.
75  * Assigns the variable without a local or global qualifier.
76  * See the Script Manual for the scoping rules.</p>
77  * @param variableName name of the variable, not null.
78  * @param expression expression that is assigned to the variable, not null.
79  */
80  void assign(const std::string &variableName,
81  const ExpressionPtr &expression, bool sync = false);
83  /**
84  * <p>Variable assignment.</p>
85  * @param variable the variable to assign an expression to, not null.
86  * @param expression expression that is assigned to the variable, not null.
87  */
88  void assign(VariablePtr variable, const ExpressionPtr &expression,
89  bool sync = false);
91  /**
92  * Add 1 to the variable value.
93  *
94  * @param variable the variable to increment. Not <code>null</code>.
95  */
96  void incrementVariable(const std::string &variable_name);
98  /**
99  * Add a note.
100  *
101  * @param expression the note expression.
102  */
103  void note(const std::string &expression);
105  /**
106  * Sleep for a number of seconds.
107  *
108  * @param seconds amount of time to sleep in seconds.
109  */
110  void sleep(double seconds);
112  /**
113  * Uses up the remaining "physical" time a thread has in the current frame.
114  */
115  void sync();
117  /**
118  *
119  * @param name Define a function of name name.
120  */
121  void defineFunction(const std::string &func_name);
122  void anonyFunction(const std::string &func_name);
124  void setRobotIndex(int robot_index);
126  /**
127  * Return from method.
128  */
129  void returnMethod();
131  /**
132  * Insert an end.
133  */
134  void end();
136  /**
137  * Insert an empty line.
138  */
139  void lineFeed();
141  /**
142  * <p>
143  * Sets the mass and Center of Gravity (CoG) of the payload.
144  * </p>
145  *
146  * This function must be called, when the payload weight or weigh
147  * distribution changes significantly, i.e when the robot arm picks up or
148  * puts down a heavy workpiece.
149  *
150  * @param payloadMass in kilograms
151  * @param centerOfGravityX displacement from the tool-mount in meters.
152  * @param centerOfGravityY displacement from the tool-mount in meters.
153  * @param centerOfGravityZ displacement from the tool-mount in meters.
154  */
155  void setPayload(double mass, double x, double y, double z);
157  /**
158  * <p>
159  * Set the Tool Center Point (TCP).
160  * </p>
161  *
162  * Sets the transformation from the tool output flange coordinate system to
163  * the TCP as a pose.
164  *
165  * @param x Position part.
166  * @param y Position part.
167  * @param z Position part.
168  * @param rx Rotation part.
169  * @param ry Rotation part.
170  * @param rz Rotation part.
171  */
172  void setTcp(const std::vector<double> &pose);
174  /**
175  * Start an if-conditional.
176  *
177  * @param expression the expression of the if-sentence. Not
178  * <code>null</code>.
179  */
180  void ifCondition(const ExpressionPtr &expression);
182  /**
183  * Start a negated if-conditional
184  *
185  * @param expression the expression of the negated if-sentence.
186  */
187  void ifNotCondition(const ExpressionPtr &expression);
189  /**
190  * Adds an else-if branch.
191  *
192  * @param expression the expression of the "else-if"-sentence.
193  */
194  void elseIfCondition(const ExpressionPtr &expression);
196  /**
197  * Adds an else branch.
198  *
199  */
200  void elseCondition();
202  /**
203  * Starts a for-loop with tow loop invariants.
204  *
205  * @param count the loop counts.
206  * @param step the loop step.
207  */
208  void forCondition(int count, int step);
210  /**
211  * Starts a while true loop.
212  *
213  */
214  void whileTrue();
216  /**
217  * Starts a while-loop with a loop invariant.
218  *
219  * @param expression the loop invariant.
220  */
221  void whileCondition(const ExpressionPtr &expression);
223  /**
224  * Starts a while-loop with a negated loop invariant.
225  *
226  * @param expression the loop invariant that will be negated.
227  */
228  void whileNot(const ExpressionPtr &expression);
230  /**
231  * Start a thread definition with a given thread name.
232  *
233  * @param threadName the name of the new thread.
234  * @param loop_or_not the new thread loops or not.
235  */
236  void defineThread(const std::string &thread_name, bool loop_or_not);
238  /**
239  * Start a previously defined thread.
240  *
241  * @param threadName The name of the thread that will be started.
242  */
243  void runThread(const std::string &thread_name);
245  /**
246  * @brief killThread
247  * @param thread_name
248  */
249  void killThread(const std::string &thread_name);
251  /**
252  * <p>
253  * Returns a registered variable name that can be used in a script.
254  * </p>
255  *
256  * <p>
257  * A variable is registered if it has been stored in a {@link DataModel}
258  * instance or used for the configuration of a built-in AuboScope program
259  * node.
260  * </p>
261  *
262  * <b>Please note:</b> The name of a variable in the script can be different
263  * from the value of {@link Variable#getDisplayName()}. You should not use
264  * the value of {@link Variable#getDisplayName()} in a script.
265  *
266  * @param variable a registered Variable. Not <code>null</code>.
267  * @return variable name that can be used in a script.
268  * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the <code>variable</code> was not
269  * registered in the data model or used for the configuration of a built-in
270  * AuboScope program node.
271  * @exception ClassCastException if the <code>variable</code> was not
272  * created by
273  * {@link domain/variable/VariableFactory}.
274  *
275  */
276  std::string getResolvedVariable(const std::string &variable_name);
278  void increaseIndent();
279  void decreaseIndent();
281 private:
282  friend class DataSwitch;
283  ScriptWriter();
284  void *d_{ nullptr };
285 };
287 } // namespace aubo_scope
288 } // namespace arcs
This interface provides support for generating Script code.
Definition: script_writer.h:16
Definition: class_forward.h:16